


Auditors' Organizational Form and Audit Quality: Evidence from China


翁慈青(Tzu-Ching Weng)


合夥 ; 有限責任合夥 ; 審計品質 ; Partnerships ; limited liability partnerships ; Audit quality ; Discretionary accruals




12卷2期(2017 / 12 / 01)


37 - 66






Audit firms in China have been given option to choose legal forms, partnership or limited liability (LLP) depending on their organizations since 1994. Different from LLC with limitation of partnership liability, each partner is liable for all the audit services, which raise an incentive for individual partner to monitor the audit quality provided by their fellow partners in the partnership structure. It hypothesizes that auditor independence is lower for legal structure of LLP than for legal forms of partnership. This study uses discretionary accrual (therefore DA) and the likelihood of auditor firms issuing clean opinion as proxies for audit quality, respectively. Using a sample of listed firms in China, this study finds that auditees of audit firms adopting legal forms of partnership report higher the levels of both the income-increasing DA and the absolute DA, compared to clients of audit firms adopting LLP legal forms. This study also finds that the likelihood of issuing unqualified opinion is higher for partner of general partnership relative to one of LLP.

主题分类 社會科學 > 財金及會計學
社會科學 > 管理學
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