Corporate social responsibility and sustainable development have been taken seriously in recent years, but enterprises often caused ecological imbalances crisis, such as global warming, climate change and so on, because of the pursuit of growth. The environmental change on the operation of enterprises is the important issue for the sustainable development. Traditional Accounting is from the perspective of economic activities to monitor the operation of enterprises, never take into account the economic problems caused by environmental pollution, however, the Green Accounting is from the entire ecological environment resources. In this paper, we take the two companies that have built Green Accounting, which are Everlight Chemical and Yulon Motor Co., Ltd. And we try to find out the relationship between the output value and the environmental cost to analyze the factors that affect the construction of Green Accounting. The result shows that whether Everlight Chemical or Yulon Motor Co., Ltd, in the prevention and control of water pollution, which has a high degree of correlation with the output value of the enterprise, this indicates that both chemical manufacturing or automotive manufacturing, should do a good job of treatment control for the sustainable business.
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