


Evaluating Programs of Education Conferences of Drug Abusers' Families-an Example of Family Education Conferences in the Taipei Drug Abuse Treatment Center






衛教座談 ; 方案評估 ; 藥物濫用 ; 社會工作 ; family education conferences ; program evaluation ; drug abuse ; social work




2期(2004 / 07 / 01)


41 - 87




為瞭解受戒治人家屬衛教座談方案是否達到衛生教育宣導的成效,並評估其對受戒治人家屬是否有所助益,本研究使用前實驗設計的方法,分析不願意參加衛教座談的家屬、願意參加衛教座談的家屬與實際參加的家屬在藥物濫用知能的相關事項上的瞭解程度。 研究使用描述統計分析與卡方檢定的統計分析方法,其結果顯示:(一)受戒治人家庭支持普遍不佳;(二)受戒治人家屬對藥物濫用相關事項瞭解程度普遍不高;(三)願意參加家屬衛教座談者比不願意參加者在多項藥物濫用相關議題瞭解程度上有顯著差異,且願意參加者瞭解程度較不願意參加者為佳;(四)實際參加者在參與座談後對藥物濫用相關議題上之瞭解程度甚高;(五)實際參加家屬衛教座談者對家屬衛教座談方案給予高度的評價。 本文結論認為家屬衛教座談在宣導相關藥物濫用的知識上扮演重要的角色,且發揮了良好的功能。未來建議可針對如何推廣此活動、評量此方案是否提供家屬良好的情緒支持效果做進一步的研究。


Since 21 February 2001, we have had five family education conferences in the Taipei Drug Abuse Treatment Center. This study is for evaluating programs of family education conferences. First, it finds that support in the families of drug abusers is not generally good enough. Second, the families of drug abusers know a little about drug abuse issues. Third, there is a statistically significant difference between the ones who are willing to attend and the ones who are unwilling to attend. Fourth, the ones who attend family education conferences understand more about drug abuse issues after attending. Fifth, the ones who attend family education conferences value this program highly. The author points out that it plays an important role in promoting knowledge of drug abuse and also functions well as an education to families of drug abusers. In the future, in the author's opinion, others could study how to promote this program or how to measure the efficacy of emotional support to families of drug abusers.

主题分类 社會科學 > 社會學
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