A patent is pending for an English testing technique using a Random Number Generator (RNG). The idea for this patent originated from the author's realization that low-level, unmotivated learners of English need to be taught using appropriate methodologies, and teachers of these students need an accurate method of testing the efficacy of whatever methodologies are used.
In order to evaluate test scores objectively, all the guessed answer shall be eliminated, This is done by involving an RNG mechanism. RNG was used to create the answer name profile which was used to rearrange the test questions and to include some specially designed polygraph questions (PQ) to objectively evaluate the test and lower the probability of interference from guesswork.
This study uses RNG to assess the learners' genuine learning outcomes, however, the testing results were excluded from students' academic scores. The purpose is only to provide the teacher concise and objective evaluation to be able to apply appropriate teaching methods with private individual guidance and consulting for students' successive learning.
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