行動商務近年來以飛快速度發展,行動應用商城如APP Store或GooglePlay更是焦點所在;其中遊戲類行動應用程式 (Mobile–APPlication, APP)是最多消費者使用及下載的類別。哪些因素會影響遊戲APP 存活是值得探討的議題,若能讓使用者認同其產品服務並持續使用,便能為企業或個人帶來持續獲利。因此,本研究將探討影響熱門遊戲APP持續使用的因素。結果顯示,熱門遊戲APP的設計以卡通人物(39.1%)及益智類(27.5%)居多;其中,iOS作業系統主角以物體及卡通人物居多;ANDRIOD作業系統主角以人物及物體居多。更新次數與存活時間有顯著性相關(r=0.685, P 值<0.05),即更新次數越多,APP存活時間越久。此外,使用者會受七個因素影響持續使用的意願(可解釋變異為71.28%);依其重要程度高低,依序為:「遊戲方便性」、「遊戲音效」、「遊戲難易度」、「遊戲玩法」、「玩家互動及感官性」、「玩家滿意度及遊戲情節」與「同儕影響」。
In recent years, mobile commerce developed rapidly, for example, APP Store or Google Play is the focus. Mobile-APPlication(APP) is the largest category of consumer use and download. Businesses or individuals will gain profits by users' keeping download the game. What factors will affect the survival time of a game APP is worth exploring. Therefore, this study will investigate the factors of users' involving with popular game APPs continually. The results show that the majority of popular game APPs is designed with cartoon characters (39.1%) and Puzzle (27.5%). Cartoon characters are mostly designed in iOS, figures and objects are in ANDRIOD. Update frequency is significantly correlated with the survival time of a game (r = 0.685, P < 0.05). The more frequent update, the APP longer survived. In addition, there are seven factors affect the continued use of an APP (interpreted variation of 71.28%). By the influence, the most is the convenience, and then the sound, level of difficulty, how to play, interaction and sensuality, player’s satisfaction and game plot, the least is peer influence.