


The Effect of Ability Grouping Instruction: A Case Study in a University of Technology


陳憶如(I-Ju Chen);張惟懽(Wei-Huan Chang)


英文分級教學 ; 安置測驗 ; 統一會考 ; 學習落後 ; Ability Grouping ; Placement test ; joint exam ; poor achiever




39期(2016 / 06 / 01)


231 - 243




本研究主在了解科技大學四技學生英文分級教學實施成效,以「四技二專統一測驗」英文成績,作為大一英文安置測驗的分級標準。本研究參與學生日間部四技大一學生共計有1817 人,分為普、中、優三組。所有學生皆於學期中參與期中統一會考及期末統一會考。使用SPSS 統計軟體用之描述性統計及成對樣本t 檢定等統計方法加以分析。研究主要結果發現實施分級教學後,大一新生接受分級教學後之期末考成績與期中考成績有顯著差異;中班及優班的同學之期中期末成績都有顯著進步。惟普班學生期中及期末考成績無顯著差異外,其成績退步的現象值得未來研究探討分級教學對於學習落後學生的效益。建議與實施英文分級教學之其他科技大學,進行成果比較與分析,導出更具體可行的教學對策。


This study aimed to investigate the effect of implementing ability grouping for freshman English at a university of technology in central Taiwan. A total of 1817 freshmen participated in the present study. The participants were divided into three levels, ranging from basic to advanced levels, according to their English scores on Technological & Vocational Education Joint College Entrance Examination. With the descriptive statistics and pair sample t test methods, it was found that after implementing ability grouping in freshman English instruction, participants, in general, performed better on their final exam. Participants’ final scores of the intermediate level and advanced level were higher than those of midterm exam. Yet, participants from the basic level did not show significant progress after joining ability grouping. The reasons why low achievers performed poor or even worse need further investigation. It was suggested that more studies should probe into the issues of ability grouping among technology colleges so as to better understand the effect of ability grouping for different levels of the students.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
人文學 > 歷史學
基礎與應用科學 > 資訊科學
社會科學 > 社會科學綜合
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