Taiwan has been called the "Kingdom of the Eyeglasses" since 1970s. Most eyeglasses manufactures focused on OEM (Original Equipment Manufacture) rather than ODM (Original Design Manufacturer). In recent years, China manufacturers have the same competitive advantage as Taiwan's, but they offer low-cost products that lead to the supply exceed the demand. Moreover, China eyeglasses manufacturers cut off the prices unscrupulously to get the orders. It caused Taiwan's eyeglasses manufacturer facing unprecedented crisis. This research takes Y Company - one of the lenses manufacturers in Taiwan - as a sample case to study. This research employs the marketing theories, including Five-force Analysis and Strategic Brand Management to conduct the survey by qualitative research method. The findings of this research are Y Company have strengths of product variety, stable quality, and mature technology. Its weaknesses are higher costs, and product homogeneity with competitors. This research suggests that Taiwan lenses industries need to take advantage of experienced skills to maintain high quality, developing new multi-function products, making product differentiation, getting cooperation opportunities with international distinguished companies. The results of this study make contributions for Y Company and the whole lenses industry to implement the marketing strategy planning.
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