


The Influence of Elementary School Teachers' Workplace Spirituality, Organizational Commitment, and Emotional Exhaustion on the Coping Strategies


林志鈞(Chih-Jiun Lin);楊瓊瑤(Chiung-Yao Yang)


國小教師 ; 職場靈性 ; 組織承諾 ; 情緒耗竭 ; 因應策略 ; elementary school teacher ; workplace spirituality ; organizational commitment ; emotional exhaustion ; coping strategies




44期(2019 / 06 / 01)


39 - 69




本研究旨在探討國小教師之職場靈性、組織承諾、情緒耗竭對因應策略之影響,並分析在不同人口背景變項下,其職場靈性、組織承諾、情緒耗竭與因應策略的差異情形、相關性並做預測。以106學年度,服務於新北市公立國小之國小教師為抽樣對象,正式問卷依教師人數及學校大小比例,採用分層抽樣,共得有效樣本419份,有效問卷回收率93%。並使用SPSS 22.0中文版進行統計分析,以描述性統計分析、獨立樣本t檢定、單因子變異數分析、皮爾森積差相關分析、迴歸分析等方法,進行統計資料的彙整與分析。研究結果發現:一、不同個人背景變項在職場靈性、組織承諾、情緒耗竭與因應策略有部分顯著差異。二、職場靈性與組織承諾、組織承諾與因應策略皆有顯著正相關。三、組織承諾與情緒耗竭、情緒耗竭與因應策略皆有顯著負相關。四、職場靈性對情緒耗竭有顯著負向影響,然而對因應策略有顯著正向影響。五、職場靈性、組織承諾能有效預測因應策略,其中以組織承諾之「努力意願」構面預測力最佳。回顧相關文獻,缺少職場靈性、組織承諾、情緒耗竭預測因應策略之研究,本研究已補足以上研究缺口,並期許研究結果能提供國小教師本身及教育部門,作為提升教師心理健康和教學品質之參考。


The aim of this study was to discuss the influence of workplace spirituality, organizational commitment, and emotional exhaustion on the coping strategies of elementary school teacher. Simultaneously, analyzed the differences of different demographic variables in all of them mentioned above. The objects were elementary education teachers who teaching at public elementary school in New Taipei City. The study used stratified sampling based on the population of teachers and types of class. Total 450 questionnaires were distributed. And obtained 419 valid questionnaires were retrieved with an effective response rate of 93%. The statistic software SPSS 22.0 (Chinese version) was applied for data analysis. The statistical methods included descriptive statistic, independent-samples t-test, one-way ANOVA, Pearson product-moment correlation, and regression analysis. The major findings of this study were summarized as follows. The different demographic variables have partial significant differences in workplace spirituality, organizational commitment, emotional exhaustion, and coping strategies. Workplace spirituality and organizational commitment have significant positive correlation. Organizational commitment and coping strategies also have significant positive correlation. Organizational commitment and emotional exhaustion have significant negative correlation. Emotional exhaustion and coping strategies also have significant negative correlation. Workplace spirituality has significant negative effect on emotional exhaustion. But, it has significant positive effect on coping strategies. Workplace spirituality, organizational commitment can effectively predict coping strategies. Meanwhile, the "willingness to work hard" dimension of organizational commitment has the best prediction. Review related studies, lack the studies of using workplace spirituality, organizational commitment and emotional exhaustion to predict coping strategies of elementary school teachers. This study makes up the gaps of previous studies, and hoping the results of this study will provide elementary school teachers and the relevant education government department as references for helping teachers' mentally healthy and teaching quality.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
人文學 > 歷史學
基礎與應用科學 > 資訊科學
社會科學 > 社會科學綜合
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