As the result of the continuous development of mobile Internet technology, Taiwanese people's mobile payment usage rate is also getting higher and higher, and the choices for mobile payment providers are becoming more diverse. The industry and the public are positively optimistic about the future development of mobile payment. The mobile payment market has endless potential. Therefore, this study will focus on the Taiwan mobile payment market and discuss the factors affecting the intention to use of mobile payment users and potential users. This study uses the revised technology acceptance model as the basis of the research structure to explore the impact of the people's "perceived ease of use", "perceived usefulness", and "attitude towards use" in the Taiwan market; In order to explain how the brand image of system operators affect the attitude towards use and intention to use for mobile payment, the study also add the "symbolic" and "experiential" of brand image as exogenous variables to the research structure. This study uses SPSS version 22.0 and LISREL version 8.71 as a tool for data analysis, which is verified by structural equation model analysis and draws the following three conclusions: 1. Perceived ease of use has an impact on the user's intention to use when using mobile payment. 2. In the mobile payment market, perceived usefulness and attitude play an important intermediary role. Among them, attitude is the most pivotal, which is the key precedent of influencing users' intentions. 3. Compared with the symbolic of the brand image, the experiential of the brand image is more valued for users.
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國家實驗研究院科技政策研究與資訊中心(2019)。2018 年美國行動支付人數將達 5500 萬。取自http://iknow.stpi.narl.org.tw/Post/Read.aspx?PostID=15003