


A Study of Behavioral Intentions to Use Mobile Payment-Extended TAM Perspective


張明杰(Ming-Jye Chang);羅玉婷(Yu-Ting Lo)


行動支付 ; 科技接受模型 ; 品牌形象 ; Mobile Payment ; Technology Acceptance Model ; Brand Image




46期(2020 / 06 / 01)


51 - 84




在行動網路科技持續發展的推波助瀾下,台灣民眾行動支付使用率也越來越高,對行動支付系統商的選擇也越來越多元,系統商及民眾對於行動支付的未來發展皆持正面樂觀的態度,行動支付市場可謂潛力無窮。因此,本研究將針對台灣行動支付市場,對行動支付用戶與潛在用戶使用意願之影響因素進行相關的探討。本研究採用修正後的科技接受模型做為本研究架構的基礎,探討台灣市場民眾對行動支付的知覺易用性、知覺有用性、使用態度對使用意願的影響;此外為了探究系統商的品牌形象是否會影響對行動支付的態度及使用意願,本研究於架構中加入了品牌形象之象徵性以及經驗性來做為外生變數。本研究使用SPSS 22.0與LISREL 8.71做為資料分析之工具,透過結構方程模式分析來驗證,並得出以下三點結論:一、使用行動支付時,知覺易用性對用戶的使用意願有影響。二、在行動支付市場中,知覺有用性和態度皆扮演著重要的中介角色,其中又以態度最為關鍵,是影響用戶使用意圖的關鍵前因。三、相較於品牌形象之象徵性,品牌形象之經驗性較為用戶所看重。


As the result of the continuous development of mobile Internet technology, Taiwanese people's mobile payment usage rate is also getting higher and higher, and the choices for mobile payment providers are becoming more diverse. The industry and the public are positively optimistic about the future development of mobile payment. The mobile payment market has endless potential. Therefore, this study will focus on the Taiwan mobile payment market and discuss the factors affecting the intention to use of mobile payment users and potential users. This study uses the revised technology acceptance model as the basis of the research structure to explore the impact of the people's "perceived ease of use", "perceived usefulness", and "attitude towards use" in the Taiwan market; In order to explain how the brand image of system operators affect the attitude towards use and intention to use for mobile payment, the study also add the "symbolic" and "experiential" of brand image as exogenous variables to the research structure. This study uses SPSS version 22.0 and LISREL version 8.71 as a tool for data analysis, which is verified by structural equation model analysis and draws the following three conclusions: 1. Perceived ease of use has an impact on the user's intention to use when using mobile payment. 2. In the mobile payment market, perceived usefulness and attitude play an important intermediary role. Among them, attitude is the most pivotal, which is the key precedent of influencing users' intentions. 3. Compared with the symbolic of the brand image, the experiential of the brand image is more valued for users.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
人文學 > 歷史學
基礎與應用科學 > 資訊科學
社會科學 > 社會科學綜合
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