From the manufacturing generation to the "smart" manufacturing generation, the industrial revolution has slowly subverted the world. The global manufacturing industry combines the Internet of Things, the cloud, big data and "intelligent" manufacturing to form the fourth wave of human industrial revolution. In particular, "smart" manufacturing industry is a representative of Industry 4.0. How to integrated sensors with production equipment to collect production data in the Internet of Things would enhance decision makers quickly grasp the production status and make accurate decisions to speed up the production process. This study is used to improve the process of simulating automatic production and manufacturing, collect data values of 3D printers through Arduino and Raspberry Pi, and then establish an intelligent monitoring manufacturing information system. This research method combines Arduino and Raspberry Pi to collect relevant data of the operating environment of the 3D printer, and presents the virtualized data on the mobile device in real-time, so that decision makers can quickly master the process of automatic manufacturing; the relevant data is also It is stored in the database of phpMyAdmin. It can be used for future failure mode prediction or other decision analysis as the manufacturing data stored in the database had enough diverse patterns and amount. In order to enable decision makers to quickly master the process of automatic manufacturing, this research builds an intelligent monitoring manufacturing information system: This study achieves the following functions: 1. Obtain Arduino sensing module data: Obtain external environment data value of 3D printer through Arduino UNO development version. 2. Receive automatic production and manufacturing process data: Receive automatic production and manufacturing process data values through Raspberry Pi. 3. Collect and analyze production data: send the data value received by Arduino UNO development version and Raspberry Pi to the data server of Raspberry Pi. 4. Display the obtained data using web interface: After creating a web server using the python Flask module, through a mobile device, decision makers can instantly grasp the status of automatic production and manufacturing. 5. Visualize and display the obtained data: The data values collected by Arduino and Raspberry Pi in the automatic manufacturing process are displayed on the mobile device with a simple graphical interface.
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