
結合PBL主題教學於USR HUB之實踐-以農景太平攝影比賽為例


Combining PBL Teaching Mode into USR HUB Project: Taiping Photography Competition


陳湘湘(Chen, Shiang-Shiang)


大學社會責任 ; PBL教學 ; USR實踐 ; 微課程 ; University Social Responsibility ; Problem/Project-Based Learning ; Microlecture




49期(2022 / 12 / 01)


97 - 122




近年來大學社會責任實踐(University Social Responsibility,USR)計畫的施行,讓大學逐漸與地方產生連結。而在接觸過程中,如何引導學生有效投入與地方建立關係,則成為實踐上之首要任務。同時在人才培育上,則是興起加強對於面對未來變化、解決問題等能力之要求。因此本研究透過本校國立勤益科技大學文創學院之USR HUB計畫為對象,以地方推廣為目標,進行本次實踐課程主題設計,希望藉由PBL教學模式,達到培育學生相關知能外,同時達到接觸社區之目的。本研究以問題/專題式學習(Problem/Project-based learning,PBL)雙PBL教學為基礎架構,以推廣地方特色作為課程主題。在課程規劃上,先藉由一系列的基礎課程,讓學生了解整體計畫架構、目標及相應知能應用。之後透過舉辦「農景太平攝影比賽」活動,做為具體實踐。課程分為兩大部分,在活動前期,透過系列課程的講授讓學生具備活動所需要相關專業知識,之後讓學生以專案團隊方式進行活動舉辦,在舉辦活動的過程當中,我們將根據PBL的教學模式,讓學生自己進行活動的規劃與執行,教師團隊便會退居二線,老師(業師)僅作為顧問諮詢腳色,並不主導其內容,讓學生面對真實情況,藉此訓練學生跨域整合的能力。


The project of "University Social Responsibility (USR)" held in recent years makes a connection between university and locals gradually. In the process of contact, how to guide the students to invest in building a positive relationship with locals with a clear purpose is the principal task. On the ether side, the demands for adaptability and problem-solving capability are also important skills needed to pay more attention. In the case of these consideration, this study uses USR project of College of Humanities and Creativity, National Chin-Yi University of Technology as an example and takes the locals as the main topic to design the practical teaching lessons. Apart from making flexible use of knowledge and skills, students can fit in the communities progressively through by the teaching mode of PBL. This study is based on the mode of "Problem/Project-Based Learning (PBL)", and take local events as the teaching theme. On the planning of teaching courses, we taught students understand the whole structure, our target, and application of knowledge and skills at the beginning. Then we let students hold on "Taiping photography competition" to verify the result of our courses. Therefore, this course can be divided into 2 parts: In the prophase of event, students will learn the professional knowledge in class before forming a project team. In the process of holding on the event, we will on the basis of PBL mode, let students be on their own. Teachers would also take a back seat, and become a consultant assisting the work. This can help students face the true situation, and train their interdisciplinary skills.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
人文學 > 歷史學
基礎與應用科學 > 資訊科學
社會科學 > 社會科學綜合
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