


A Preliminary Learning on "Shakespeare's Dramas in Love"-An Analysis of Students' Responses to a GEC Elective Course




賀國英(Kuo-Yin Ho);何禮麗(Li-Li Ho)


莎士比亞 ; 亂數產生器RNG ; 全民英檢GEPT ; 測謊題 ; Shakespeare ; RNG ; GEPT ; polygraph questions




3卷3期(2010 / 02 / 01)


1 - 13




莎士比亞戲劇,對技職院校的大學生來說,有著相當的距離。開這門課的原始目的,一則讓學生們有機會接觸莎士比亞名著,增加同學們對莎士比亞的了解;一則讓同學們藉著這門課,用戲劇欣賞的教學方式,多一些接觸英文的機會(吳又熙、謝燕隆,2000)。同時比較電影欣賞教學的方法,和一般課堂上傳統的教學方法,在英語教學成果上,有何不同。 選修這門課的同學共48人,是來自許多不同科系的學生,分別是會資系、數媒系、資管系、財金系、保金系、商科系、視傳系、及流設系。因此在學期結束前,做了一次問卷調查。用以了解同學們選這門課的動機。所有的同學在選課之初,並不知道這堂課的授課方式,同學們認爲是劇本的研讀,或是文學欣賞之類的課程。 課程教材,我們安排了部份莎士比亞普遍爲人所熟悉的喜劇和悲劇的影片,也包含了莎翁情史。由於同學們對莎翁戲劇的陌生,所以在影片欣賞之前,先做影片內容大綱的說明。影片欣賞之後,心得分享是一個重要的過程。影片中一些對白的經典名句,也會被提出來,作爲討論的重點。 英語教學是本課程的另一個目的。學生英文能力測驗,也被包含在教學計畫中。我們採用統計學中RNG(Random Number Generator)的理論,按照GEPT(General English Proficiency Test)測驗中聽力和閱讀兩項測驗的方式加入了一定比率的測謊題,設計一套有效測試學生英文程度的方法,來了解學生在這種教學方式下的學習成果,作爲改進教學方法的參考依據。


”Shakespeare's Dramas in Love” is an elective course in general education center (GEC) and can be chosen by seniors from different departments. Each student can only take one same title course one time each semester, that is, each identical course can only be taken once. There are two purposes of lecturing on this new subject in the curriculum. The first is to cultivate an appreciative reading habit; the second is to increase English learning interests. From the perspective of the great works of Shakespeare, even for English majors, 3 months is too short a time to learn his deep and delicate masterpieces, not to mention those non-English majors. These classical dramas exist in the position of faraway distance compared with the present movies, involving cultural factors such as context, characters, costumes and life styles. In order to make the non-English learners easily comprehend Shakespeare's works within 3 months, four tragedies and four comedies were specially picked and displayed to them through audiovisual aids. Esoteric classics like Shakespeare's can be interpreted in a popular way. Starting with the one of the most famous works-Romeo and Juliet, although it is not the one of the four tragedies in the syllabus, everyone’s attention was caught. The learners' English language proficiency analysis was included in the teaching plan, but it is not the main focus. Pre- and post- test questions are from General English Proficiency Test (GEPT), given to them by adopting Random Number Generator (RNG) to include polygraph questions (PQ). The result can be the important reference for the choice of a new teaching method from cross analysis of pre- and post- tests.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
社會科學 > 社會科學綜合
社會科學 > 教育學
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