


The Operating Mechanism of Limited Partnership


陳介山(Chieh-Shan Chen)


有限合夥 ; 普通合夥人 ; 有限合夥人 ; 有限合夥負責人 ; 有限合夥代表人 ; Limited Partnership ; General Partner ; Limited Partner ; The Representative of Limited Partnership




7卷2期(2017 / 08 / 01)


1 - 28




為提供單純投資者與積極經營共同從事經營活動選擇,並促進產業發展與提升國際競爭力,2015年6月24日立法通過於英美國家已立法規範實施近百年的有限合夥法,因應產業發展之需要。企業雙元成員,有限合夥法制定前,現行法已有隱名合夥與兩合公司,然兩者與有限合夥有著很大的差異,相較隱名合夥當事人是契約關係,而有限合夥是法人;兩合公司具嚴格團體性,而有限合夥係以法人為體、契約為用的融合性企業;內部法律關係高度尊重企業自治,由普通合夥人與有限合夥人事先以合夥契約規範後,向主管機關登記;未規定者或規定不明,事後得以多數決決之。有限合夥雙元與彈性立法,在有限合夥治理上即有特別規定;內部治理,有關對外代表採強制,強制單獨代表與任意職務代表,然規定內容並不完備,適用時須探求立法本旨、學說、外國立法例與實務見解補充之。對內業務執行原則上取決合夥契約,若有約定不足或不明時,法律有補充性規定;合夥契約內容之界限為何,宜深究之,表決權比例可否變更,亦有深入討論之必要,當然也包括表決權之計算。外部監控、公權力監控事項,有限合夥法採類如公司法之立法,有事前監督與事後監督,種種立法政策是否得當,誠有深論之必要;遺憾的是具有汰換不良經營團隊,保護少數合夥人權益與監控機能的外部市場控制力並未引入,美國1985修正統一有限合夥法(1985 Revised Uniform Limited Partnership Act)或可參考。


To provide options for pure investors and actively running business, to promote enterprise development, to enhance international competitiveness and to respond to the need of business development, Limited Partnership Act, which has been practiced for almost a hundred year in Angol-States, was passed on June 24^(th), 2015. Before the enactment of Limited Partnership Act, there are two entities, sleeping partnership and unlimited company with limited liability shareholders, in the existing law. In contrast to the contract relationship of sleeping partnership, limited partnership is juridical person. Unlimited company has strict structural union whereas limited partnership is the combination of juridical person and contracts. The internal relationship highly depends on the enterprise autonomy. General partner and limited partner form a partnership agreement and register to the Ministry of Economic Affairs. Absent or ambiguous terms shall be solved by the majority decision. The limited partnership has duplex and flexible nature. In the internal governance, the representative is compulsory, single or representative at will. However, the regulation is not sufficient. When applying to actual cases, legislative purpose, theory, foreign statutes and practical views should supplement it. The enforcement of internal affairs generally depends on the partnership contract. If the agreement is insufficient or ambiguous, Limited Partnership Act has supplementary regulation. The boundary of the contents of the partnership contract should be deeply investigated. The discussion of alternation of the percent and calculation of voting rights is also necessary. Limited Partnership Act adopts the legislation of Company Act, which has supervision before and after, on the affairs of external and public authority control. The discussion of whether legislative policies are suitable is needed. Not introducing the control force of replacing undesirable teams, protecting the rights of minority partners and monitoring by external market is a disappointment. Revised Uniform Limited Partnership Act modified in 1985 can be used as a reference.

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社會科學 > 社會科學綜合
社會科學 > 教育學
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