


The Getting and Keeping of Wisdom form Careers of the Seniors


范振德(Woody Jann-Der Fann)


智慧 ; 銀髮族 ; 紮根理論 ; Wisdom ; Senior ; Grounded theory




8卷1期(2019 / 02 / 01)


1 - 26




人生智慧是銀髮族生活、工作經驗與人生哲學的累積,深值後輩效法學習,藉收剔勵之效。本研究首先透過立意抽樣和滾雪球抽樣法抽樣訪談50歲以上銀髮族13位,再以半結構式深度訪談法探究其人生不同階段之看法,最後以紮根理論歸納與演繹受訪者於各階段之省思與建言。研究結果顯示,銀髮族在幸福醞釀期、學習進修期、成功穩定期、智慧發光期及命定安息期等不同時期之人生歷練,會有許多的體驗與感觸,在人生各個轉捩點, 也會有心境之轉變;這些心路歷程皆會形成寶貴的人生智慧,此人生智慧深值後輩借鏡與學習。


The accumulations of life experience and the wisdom from careers of the seniors are worthy to learn and become an example for the youth group. Therefore, the wisdom is not only the best guide but is an essential component for youth's long-term plan. Firstly, 13 elderly interviewees who are over 50 years old are purposive sampling by snowball method as well as are interviewing by method of semi-structured in-depth interview. Secondly, the introspections during different stages of the seniors were extracted by methods of vivo coding, open coding, axial coding and selective coding with the software of Atlas.ti which authorized by the grounded theory. Finally, the results reveal there are not only many expertise and feeling go through different stages of the senior career; but also change their state of mind as they undergo each turning points. Those experiences would turn into precious wisdom which could be an example for the next generations to learn about in the future.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
社會科學 > 社會科學綜合
社會科學 > 教育學
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