Thanks to the advancement of technology, the digital network has made the world a small village just a finger click away. For English language learners (ELLs), the digital network also opens doors to abundant online English learning resources and numerous channels of communication with native English speakers across the world, without the constraints of time and space. However, due to limited English proficiency, lack of motivation, and language anxiety, most ELLs are uncertain of how, when, and where to gain access to a cross-cultural communication environment online. Therefore, the current research aims to explore online learning log activities through a public cross-cultural discussion forum-I Say You Say. Taiwanese university students enrolled in the researcher's three-credit Freshman English reading course were recruited as participants. Data from questionnaires, student and teacher interviews, and student postings were collected, analyzed, and triangulated. The researcher first examines strengths and weaknesses of computer-mediated communication activities, along with various features of online discussion forum and guidelines for designing online discussion forums, followed by a discussion of the implementation of the online discussion forum. The article concludes with suggestions, and implications for future research.
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