
Literatura, history y memoria: Como una familia de Da-chun Chang y Los libros arden mal de Manuel Rivas






劉碧交(Pi-Chiao Liu)


歷史 ; 記憶 ; 自傳體 ; 張大春 ; 李巴斯 ; History ; memory ; autobiography ; Da-Chun Chang ; Manuel Rivas




9期(2012 / 12 / 01)


101 - 119




台灣知名作家張大春,以其豐富的創作力,揉合各類文體的敘事風格與修辭技巧從事寫作:如偵探、科幻、歷史、鄉野傳奇,以及自創的新聞體、週記體小說,兼及時論雜文。張大春在其每一部文學作品裡都用新的敘事法,編織著文學虛構與寫實的特徵,也因而使其作品經常其有魔幻寫實主義的特色。自傳體式的《聆聽父親》小說背景是作家父親一次意外摔倒癱瘓後,作者開始對尚未出世的兒子訴說自己所認識的父親、以及父親口中的爺爺,全書對兒子娓娓道來的情感真摯動人,小說所呈現的不僅是一個家族裡的不同世代的父親面貌,更以感性的史觀展現外省第一代遷移來台的家庭價值。西班牙作家馬奴耶‧李巴斯在2006年出版的《焚書》中,作著自評為「法西斯主義本質之旅」大力著墨獨裁政權邪惡的本質探討。值得注意的是,作者利用個人和群體記憶的方式試圖再現獨裁時期的社會狀況。在作者以多樣性的寫作技巧所塑造的眾多人物中,象徵獨裁政權者之一的瑞卡多‧薩摩斯(Ricardo Samos)之子加百列(Gabriel)和被壓迫的共和黨員波爾卡(Polca)之女歐(O)逐漸認識他們的父親所曾經歷兄弟相殘的年代。加百列透過與朋友的交談與互動,及自身發現父親隱藏的秘密,而了解父親殘暴的一面。同時,歐則以自述的方式為讀者介紹反抗權威、具有自由主義思想的父親的一生。由於兩部小說中,張大春與李巴斯以子女的角度回顧父親的個人生平,並延伸撰寫父輩所處的時代歷史,易言之,兩位作者藉由對人物的想像,刻意把歷史細節虛構誇張,反映出歷史回憶的本文裡打破敘述時間的一切界限,充分展現對時代面貌的思索,顯見作者們的自覺性論述的意圖。因此本研究計劃除了探討兩位作者如何呈現個人、家族與國族的歷史回憶以尋回身份認同的議題外,並分析兩部作品如何以回憶的時間結構再現歷史。


Da-Chun Chang, the famous Taiwanese writer, devotes himself to different genres of writing including detective, science fiction, history, legend, miscellaneous notes. Besides, Chang is good at creating a new narrative form, which mixes fiction with reality. This combination makes his works enrich with the characteristic of the magic realism. ”As One Family” is a representative of this combination. This novel not only presents the father images of his ancestors but also discusses the central value of his ancestors who from China in 1949 to Taiwan.Manuel Rivas, the Spanish writer, in 2006 published ”Books burn badly” which is considered a trip to the essence of the Fascism. In this book, the writer criticizes the inhuman aspect of the Civil War and autocratic regime. In this novel, Rivas deals with the individual memory and the collective memory to represent the society in the times of the autocracy. The personalities of the main characters, Gabriel and Ó are revealed from different techniques. For example, the cruel aspect of Gabriel's father is depicted step by step by Gabriel's talking with his friends. Ó introduces his father, Polca, as an injured republican and a resistance of autocracy through the narrative technique.According to the above-mentioned statement, it is found that Chang and Rivas present the life and historical context of his/her father from the aspect of their next generation. In other words, the two writers exaggerate the historical details through their imagination of their father. This awareness of writing technique benefits writers to present history by breaking time boundary. It also allows readers to view history from a new perspective. Therefore, this study will analyze how both writers portray the individual memory, familiar memory and the national memory to lay open the theme of the identity; meanwhile, we also analyze how they describe the discontinuity of the temporal structure of the memory to represent history.

主题分类 人文學 > 語言學
人文學 > 外國文學
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