
A Study on Monosyllabic Bare Reflexive Zi and Ji Based on Diachronic Chinese Corpora






許秀玲(Hsiu-Ling Hsu)


反身代詞 ; 反身狀語 ; 論元 ; 非論元 ; 同屬性共存限制 ; 融合型態 ; bare reflexive anaphor ; reflexive adverbial ; argument ; non-argument ; Obligatory Contour Principle (OCP) ; conflation pattern




11期(2014 / 06 / 01)


1 - 48






The present study aims to explore the syntactic distribution and use of bare reflexive zi and ji based on an analysis of diachronic corpora of classical Chinese, which, in turn, unveils the origins of argumental and non-argumental ziji in modem Chinese. In this study, there were three major findings concerning reflexive zi and ji in classical Chinese: (1) in terms of syntactic distribution, zi and ji are complementary-ji occurs in an argument position (e.g., subject and object) and zi occurs in a non-argument position (e.g., between a modal and a verb); (2) in terms of syntactic functions, ji serves as a bare reflexive anaphor with the feature [+reflexive]_(-pronoun), whereas zi serves as a reflexive adverbial, which has two different syntactic properties-in most contexts, zi simply contains [+reflexive]_(-adverbial), but in zi + transitive verb (Vt.), zi conflates [+reflexive]_(-adverbial), with [+reflexive]_(-pronoun); and (3) the construction zi + Vt. + ji is not possible in normal syntactic contexts, since reflexive zi and ji cannot co-occur within a verb phrase due to Obligatory Contour Principle (OCP)-this leads to the construction of zi + Vt. These findings reveal that while reflexive zi and ji in classical Chinese have merged into the disyllabic word ziji 'oneself' in modem Chinese, they preserve their functions in both argument and non-argument positions. This, in turn, suggests that argumental and non-argumental ziji in modern Chinese do not share the same origin but, rather, originate from the classical Chinese ji and zi, respectively.

主题分类 人文學 > 語言學
人文學 > 外國文學
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