


Ethics for the Multirole Translator-Book Review of "On Translator Ethics: Principles for Mediation Between Cultures"




鮑曉英(Xiao-Yin Bao)


倫理 ; 譯者是誰 ; 為什麼翻譯 ; 文化間性 ; Who is the translator ; interculturality ; ethics ; why translate




12期(2014 / 12 / 01)


113 - 120




安東尼‧皮姆的《論譯者的倫理 文化間協調準貝》一書對譯者的倫理進行了深入的研究,解決“譯者是誰”和“為什麼翻譯”問題。皮姆指出譯者在文化交互空間具有“中間人”、“信使”、“使節”、“介入者”、“合作仲介”等多重身份,譯者的倫理準則具體為:譯者必須對譯作負責以及譯作可能帶來的影響負責、譯者倫理不包括在兩個文化間決策優劣、翻譯成本不應超出合作帶來的收益、譯者有責任確保翻譯有助於長期穩定的跨文化合作。本書探討了翻譯倫理這個翻譯研究必須面對的問題,拓寬了翻譯研究新視野,具有較大理論和現實意義。


In "On Translator Ethics: Principles for Mediation Between Cultures", Anthony Pym probes into the translator ethics by answering two questions: "who is the translator" and "why translate". It is concluded in the book that the translator acts as the " in-between", "messenger", "missionary", "intervener" and "agent of cooperation" in the intercultural space and that the translator ethics includes the following principles: the translator must be responsible for his or her translation and its possible effects; the translator ethics does not involve a decision of good or bad cultures; translation cost should not exceed its benefits; the translator has the responsibility to ensure long-long constant cross-cultural cooperation of cultures. The book explores the problem of ethics that must be faced and solved in translation, indicating the development trend of translation studies and broadening the view of translation studies by specifying the various roles of the translator and proposing a series of principles as the translator ethics.

主题分类 人文學 > 語言學
人文學 > 外國文學
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