
Psychometric Analysis and Empirical Study of the Relationships between Goal Orientation, Metacognitive Self-Regulation, and EFL Online Learner Satisfaction






陳柏軒(Po-Hsuan Chen)


goal orientation ; metacognitive self-regulation ; EFL online learner satisfaction ; 目標導向 ; 後設認知自我調整策略 ; 外語線上學習滿意度




17期(2017 / 06 / 01)


59 - 96




The present study was intended to validate the Chinese versions of the Goal Orientation Scale (GOS), Metacognitive Self-Regulation Scale (MSRS), and Online Learner Satisfaction Questionnaire (OLSQ), and explore the relationships between goal orientation, metacognitive self-regulation, and EFL online learner satisfaction. A total of 339 (209 males, 130 females) college EFL students taking online English satisfactorily completed all the survey items. The major findings ofthe present study were as follows: (a) GOS, MSRS, and OLSQ were valid and reliable; (b) learners who were high in both mastery and performance goals used more metacognitive self-regulation strategies and received higher levels of EFL online learner satisfaction than did the other three groups (high-mastery/low-performance; low-mastery/high-performance; low-mastery/lowperformance); (c) metacognitive self-regulation was the best predictor of EFL online learner satisfaction, followed by mastery goals, while performance goals did not contribute to EFL online learner satisfaction; and (d) mastery goals and metacognitive self-regulation partially mediated the relationship between performance goals and EFL online learner satisfaction. Instructional implications and suggestions for future research are discussed.



主题分类 人文學 > 語言學
人文學 > 外國文學
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