


How to Cope with the Environmental Challenges? The Logic of Collection Action in ASEAN Regional Disaster Cooperation




楊昊(Alan Hao Yang)


東協 ; 東協共同體 ; 區域主義 ; 災難治理 ; 氣候變遷 ; ASEAN ; ASEAN Community ; Regionalism ; disaster governance ; climate change




7卷2期(2010 / 10 / 01)


21 - 61




回顧東南亞國協的合作歷程,不可諱言地,在環境與災難方面的合作,長期以來並非是成員國推動區域整合的重點。最主要的原因在於,各國對於環境安全的需求始終不如經濟與安全議題來得迫切。過去40餘年來,東南亞內部儘管一再出現天然災難與環境危機,卻不見得會「立即」挑戰國家的主權與治理能力。直到近期,當印尼的霾害影響到鄰近區域,當泰國與柬埔寨出現大規模的洪患,當緬甸遭到嚴重風災的衝擊,當菲律賓連續遭到颱風波及而造成馬尼拉的大規模水患,各國才開始體認到災難管理的重要性,並將其視爲確保區域共同體合作的基礎建設,因而陸續推動相關議題的合作計畫。 本文希望從另一種異於經貿合作的角度來呈現東協現行區域主義的發展型態。爲了進一步探討並評估東協目前在災難治理方面的能力,本文將回顧東協災難管理合作的過去發展、探討其現行合作計畫、並展望未來東協共同體的災難合作計畫。有鑑於此,本文將分成三個部分:一、從災難的定義與環境政治的概念回顧中,呈現當代學術社群與政策社群對災難治理的核心關切;二、從「災難共同體」的角度探討東協共同體在災難合作上的迫切需求與重要性;三、重新回顧並評析東協災難管理合作的發展路徑與現行計畫。藉由上述三個部分的分析,本文希望能初步呈現東協區域災難合作的集體行動邏輯,並試圖以此理論化東協區域主義研究與共同體合作的發展模式。


Little attention had been paid to environmental issues in ASEAN integration as ASEAN progress has been made for years. As global climate change becomes a buzzword in globalization discourse and only when much of the Southeast Asian region suffers from disastrous environmental hazards, ASEAN governments begin to address the importance of disaster governance and bring up policy initiatives for related regional cooperation. This paper is aimed at delineating an alternative perspective on ASEAN regionalism with special focus on current disaster governance in Southeast Asia. In order to assess the capacity of disaster governance, it will review the process and practice of ASEAN collective action in disaster-related issues and explicating several crucial issues in the emerging framework of governance. The article is divided into three parts: (1) to explore the definition and concept of disaster and disaster governance; (2) to address the idea of disaster community and its implication to ASEAN Community; (3) to assess ASEAN developmental path of disaster cooperation. It argues that the effective disaster governance will be facilitated by ASEAN leaders' political will and commitment to environmental cooperation and also by their efforts to rebuild its collective capacity of disaster management domestically and globally.

主题分类 人文學 > 歷史學
人文學 > 人類學及族群研究
社會科學 > 社會科學綜合
社會科學 > 教育學
社會科學 > 社會學
社會科學 > 經濟學
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