


A Study on Legitimacy of the Bao Dai Regime in Vietnam (1949-1955)




黃宗鼎(Chung-Ting Huang)


傀儡政權 ; 正當性 ; 保大 ; 越南國 ; 東南亞史 ; puppet authorities ; legitimacy ; Bao Dai ; State of Vietnam ; history of Southeast Asia




9卷2期(2012 / 10 / 01)


165 - 193




二次世界大戰結束後,法國返回越南重操殖民舊業,並著手扶植末代皇帝保大(Bảo Đại)建立「越南國」。至於保大作為一傀儡,其政權是否便無「正當性」可言?本文透過阿拉嘎帕(Muthiah Alagappa)「正當性」理論之分析,發現保大政權之「正當性」體現在以下面向:其個人之傳統型權威、保大政權有限之行政權、與法國談判越南主權移轉、取得「超級村社」之同意,以及有限之「國際效力」等幾個層面。此外,保大政權亦在與法國談判獨立問題,以及在拉攏「超級村社」等方面展現了一定之「有效管轄」能力。總之,本文蓋揭示了該傀儡政權「正當性」之內涵,確證了傀儡政權「有效管轄」之存在。


Soon after WWII, the French resumed its colonial enterprise by fostering the State of Vietnam led by Bao Dai, the last emperor of Vietnam. Through the analysis of Alagappa's legitimacy theory, the author found that the legitimacy of the Bao Dai regime, a puppet authorities, rested on facts below: the traditional authority of Bao Dai, its limited executive power, the negotiation over the sovereignty with the French, the consent of ”the super villages” and the limited international support. Besides, the agency of the Bao Dai regime could be shown by its ability of bargaining the issue of Vietnam's Independence with the French and that of wining the support of ”the super villages.” To sum up, the article manifested that the puppet authorities had had legitimacy to some extent and verified the existence of agency of a puppet authorities.

主题分类 人文學 > 歷史學
人文學 > 人類學及族群研究
社會科學 > 社會科學綜合
社會科學 > 教育學
社會科學 > 社會學
社會科學 > 經濟學
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