


Investigating the Changing Citizens in Southeast Asia: An Empirical Analysis of Political Participation and Democratization in Southeast Asia


翁履中(Dennis Lu-Chung Weng)


東協整合 ; 東南亞政治參與 ; 政治民主化 ; democratization ; Southeast Asian Integration ; political participation




10卷3期(2015 / 10 / 01)


7 - 44




「政治參與」一直以來都被廣泛地認定為民主政治理論中最重要原則之一。過去的研究顯示,這一個原則之所以重要,乃是因為民主政體的持續力和政治民主化的程度往往與其國內的政治參與程度高度相關。過去,學術界對西方民主國家的政治參與有大量的討論,也因此,對西方世界的政治參與有比較全面的認識。相較之下,對於新興民主國家的政治參與行為和民主化程度的關聯明顯缺乏了解,尤有進者,有關東南亞國家公民的政治行為研究,更幾乎從未被學界加以討論。本文從個體層次的政治參與為出發點,利用量化研究方法及亞洲民主調查計畫(Asian Barometer Survey)的資料,對東南亞個別國家的公民政治參與進行實證分析,並將總體(國家)層次的差異納入討論。換言之,本文旨在探討東南亞國家的政治參與行為並比較國家間的異同,進而討論政治參與和民主化程度之間的關聯。面對後東協共同體時期的整合挑戰,透過了解影響各國公民政治行為的關鍵因素來尋求縮小民主化程度落差的方法,本文試圖從政治民主化發展的角度提供一個未來東南亞整合的新方向。


Widespread citizen participation is a hallmark of democratic governance. Without extensive public participation, a democracy lacks both legitimacy and vitality and the promise of political life remains unfulfilled. Over the past several decades the explanatory power of factors driving various types of citizen participation has been investigated numerous studies conducted in Western democracies. However, much remains to be learned about the structure and determinants of participation in developing countries in Southeast Asia and elsewhere, and similarities and differences in the nature and etiology of civic engagement in mature and emerging democracies remain to be delineated. While ASEAN countries seek for further integration in order to strengthen AESAN's competitiveness, understanding each country's specific need for promoting democratization may facilitate the collaboration in the future. Using data collected by Asian Barometer Survey (ABS), this study conducts a rarely seen empirical analysis of citizens' participation in Southeast Asia. Using Structure Equation Modeling (SEM), the results reveal the similarity and difference among six ASEAN countries and the west. Also, empirical findings suggest that promoting positive relationship between political efficacy and political participation in Southeast Asia could accelerate democratization and regional integration.

主题分类 人文學 > 歷史學
人文學 > 人類學及族群研究
社會科學 > 社會科學綜合
社會科學 > 教育學
社會科學 > 社會學
社會科學 > 經濟學
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