In the history of human culture and civilization, animals and plants are always symbolized by some strategies, such as homophony pictograph, metaphor, and other rhetorical methods in literature, fine arts, music, drama, opera and so on. These symbols graduaIIy become the special communication codes for specific social groups. This article traces the symbolization history of Chinese angelica and durian, and attempts to explore the accumulated significance of both Chinese angelica and durian. It is found that angelica this mature cultural symbol reflects the cultural gravity from China, which acts on the Chinese migrants in Nanyang area for summoning them back. At the same time, symbols of durian were shaped graduaIIy from late Qing by Nanyang Chinese migrants. In durian's symbolization process, the interaction between the cultural gravity from China and the local gravity reflects the coIIective memory and the unique characteristic of localization of Nanyang Chinese.