This paper aims to interpret a folk picture of Vietnam. It is one of the most popular pictures of Dong Ho, which are famous for depicting various forms of the daily lives of farmers. The picture shows a young buffalo with a herd boy on its back, playing a flute, with lotus flowers under his seat and a large lotus leaf on his head. The picture was originally used during the period of Lunar New Year, when families posted it on their houses and wished each other well. Although it may seem banal, abundant meanings within it. It symbolically refers to a progressive and promising agricultural economy, to the expectation of descendants will be born and achieve a certain status, and they will have moral integrity, will enjoy art while working, and will know the ways to seek security, the harmony of heaven and earth, and of yin and yang. Creators of the picture depict part of daily life of the farmers and presents their hopes. In the experiences of the Vietnamese people (mostly farmers in the past), there are many hardships in the world, and they often work hard and toil for years, but often live on the edge of not having enough to eat. Therefore, the farmers just want little more than a secure economy, a safe and stable supply of food, a safe and healthy life, simple happiness, and a hopeful future. These can be considered simple and humble expectations, but these are not something that can be enjoyed easily or usually. Even though the picture looks small and simple, it implies the imagination of modern Vietnamese people and their values. It is a work that can be appreciated, can be regarded as a teaching material for the new generations; the virtues it honors can be said to be the expectations of educators for the nation.
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