


Bulb Emergence under Different Temperatures and Planting Months to the Flowering Stage for Populations of Lilium spp. Native in Taiwan




翁仁憲(Jen-Hsien Weng);蔡佩芬(Pei-Fen Tsai)


原生 ; 臺灣百合 ; 鐵炮百合 ; 日長 ; 溫度 ; 開花 ; Lilium formosanum ; Lilium longiflorum ; Day-length ; Temperature ; Flowering




2卷2期(2005 / 06 / 01)


105 - 114




為瞭解臺灣不同地區之原生百合族群對其棲地環境適應性之生態生理特性,乃以原生於北海岸、東海岸、蘭嶼等地區7個鐵炮百合(Lilium longiflorum var. scabrum)族群,及原生於不同緯度(22° 38'N~24° 53'N)及高度(50~2600m)之11個臺灣百合(L. formosanum)族群為對象,在不同月份,將其鱗莖置於不同溫度下萌芽。待芽長約1cm時移植於溫室中,在自然日長及接近自然溫度條件下生長,調查從移植至開花所需之日數。經5℃、6週打破休眠再置於18℃下萌芽者,所有供試之鐵炮百合族群,無論在任何月份移植,大多約在50~70日後開花。未經低溫處理而在25℃下萌芽者,無論有無經過47.5℃、1小時的高溫前處理,而且無論是在長日照的8月,或短日照的12~2月移植,幾乎同時於4~5月間開花。多數鐵炮百合族群鱗莖在10℃下萌芽時,從移植至開花所需日數與在5℃處理6週,再置於18℃下萌芽者相近。而未經低溫處理直接在18℃下萌芽者,至開花所需天數則顯得長短不一,短者與在5℃處理6週者相近或稍長,長者則與在25℃者相近。從以上結果可推測,鐵炮百合在受到低溫刺激之後即會花芽分化,日長對其影響並不大,其低溫春化所需溫度應是18℃以下。多數臺灣百合族群在5~8月間,無論是經過5℃、6週再置於18℃,或經47.5℃、1小時之前處理,然後在25℃下萌芽者,大約在移植後70~100日左右開花。而在11~2月移植時,即使鱗莖經過5℃,6週之低溫處理,一直要到5~6月才會開花。可見多數臺灣百合之花芽形成受到低溫之影響較小,長日之影響較大。而原生於嘉義縣2600m山區之臺灣百合Ci1族群,其開花期則不會受到溫度及日長之影響,可能與高山地區溫度較低,生長季節短,植物必須爭取各種有利條件有關。另一個原生於臺東山區之臺灣百合(Tt1),其開花期對溫度及季節之反應則與鐵炮百合相同。造成臺灣不同地區之原生百合族群其生活史差異之原因,可能與其原生地之氣候條件,包括颱風強度及秋季降雨之多寡有關。而且不同種(species)的臺灣原生百合,若分佈於相近之棲地時,其生活史亦會相似。


In order to elucidate the ecophysiological characteristics of populations of Lilium spp. Native in Taiwan, 7 populations of L. longiflorum native in northern and eastern coast and Lanyu island, and 11 populations of L. formosanum native in different latitudes (22° 38'N~24° 53'N) and altitudes (50~2600 m) were examined. Their bulbs were incubated under various temperatures in different seasons. When buds emerged to 1 cm length they were transplanted to a green house, and the days from transplanting to flowering were recorded. The results showed that all the L. longiflorum populations required 50-70 days from transplanting to flowering, when bulbs were treated with 5℃ for 6 weeks then incubated at 18℃ to emergence in all months. When bulbs were incubated at 25℃ to emergence and transplanted in August or up to February, no matter pretreated with 47.5℃ for 1 hr or not, they flowered in April-May. When bulbs were incubated at 10℃ to emergence then transplanted, days to flowering of most L. longiflorum populations were the same as those treated with 5℃ for 6 weeks and then incubated at 18℃. However, when bulbs were incubated at 18℃ to emergence without low temperature pretreatment, their days to flowering showed a large variation within same population; the shorter one was similar to pretreated with 5℃ for 6 weeks and the longer one was similar to treated with 25℃. Results also indicated that flowering of L. longiflorum was influenced largely by low temperature. The chilling requirement for flower bud initiation might lower than 18℃. On the contrary, when transplanting in May-August, most of L. formosanum populations required 70~100 days to flowering, whether their bulbs were pretreated with 5℃ for 6 weeks then incubated at 18℃ or were pretreated with 47.5℃ for 1 hr then incubated at 25℃to emergence. For those bulbs emerged and transplanted in the period from November to February, they flowered in May-June. As a result, flowering of most L. formosanum populations was stimulated largely by long-day condition. However, one high mountainous (2600 m) population of L. formosanum, was found not influenced by temperature and day-length. Basically L. longiflorum is native mainly in northern and eastern coast, and L. formosanum is native mainly in west part and mountainous area of Taiwan. Under the natural climatic conditions, bulbs of L. longiflorum emerge in October and bloom in spring and bulbs of L. formosanum emerge from later winter to spring and bloom in summary. However, one population of L. formosanum, Tt1, whose habitat is near by L. longiflorum, showed the similar response as L. longiflorum. The difference of life cycle between L. longiflorum and L. formosanum or among populations within the same species might relate to the climatic conditions, such as strength of typhoon in summer, the precipitation in autumn, and the low temperature in winter of their habitats.

主题分类 生物農學 > 生物農學綜合
生物農學 > 農業
生物農學 > 森林
生物農學 > 畜牧
生物農學 > 漁業