


Population Variation of Glossogyne tenuifolia (Labill.) Gass. in Different Habitates of Penghu




何明駿(Ming-Jyun He);吳志文(Chih-Wen Wu);林素汝(Su-Ju Lin)


香茹 ; 阿魏酸 ; 木犀草素- 7 - O -葡萄糖苷 ; 木犀草素 ; 總酚類化合物 ; 類黃酮 ; DPPH自由基清除能力 ; 集群分析 ; Glossogyne tenuifolia (Labill.) Gass ; Ferulic acid ; Luteolin-7-O-glucoside ; Luteolin ; Total phenolic ; Flavonoids ; DPPH free radical scavenging ability ; Cluster analysis




9卷4期(2012 / 12 / 01)


235 - 247




香茹英名為Hsiang-ru,學名Glossogyne tenuifolia (Labill.) Gass.,屬菊科,常使用作為草藥茶,原產於南亞洲、澳洲、新克里多尼亞及澎湖群島,澎湖群島當地居民亦稱風茹,是多年生宿根性草本叢生植物。香茹耐旱、耐風與耐鹽等特性,在貧瘠土壤也可生長良好,對耐逆境之能力極強,萃取物更具有極高抗氧化活性。本試驗調查澎湖10個地區的香茹族群進行植株性狀分析與活性成分分析,結果得知不同地區香茹葉部形態、葉長、葉寬、株長、花梗數、花梗長、根長、根直徑及總乾物重等都有顯著差異。香茹植株莖部生長型式具有叢生莖型(fasciculate)植株與平伏莖型(procumbent)植株,香茹的基生葉具有三種形態分別為倒披針形(oblanceolate)、倒披針形(oblanceolate)細尖裂狀(cleft)及倒披針形(oblanceolate)羽狀裂(pinnatifed)。DPPH 自由基清除能力與總酚類化合物、類黃酮、阿魏酸、木犀草-7-O-葡萄糖苷及木犀草素在各族群間,皆有顯著差異性。龍門及風櫃族群含有較高含量的阿魏酸、木犀草-7-O-葡萄糖苷,而望安族群有較高含量的木犀草素;總酚類化合物與類黃酮含量,以風櫃、龍門及白沙族群有較高含量的總酚類化合物與類黃酮含量;DPPH 自由基清除力,則以風櫃、龍門及白沙族群清除力較佳。各族群調查的植株性狀經集群分析結果可歸類成四個類群,活性成分分群可歸類成三個類群,推測各地區之香茹族群受土壤肥沃度、人為干擾及氣候條件等因素所影響,造成指標成份含量與抗氧化活性之不同,香茹是否在地區間之族群已產生遺傳分化,則有待進一步探討。


Glossogyne tenuifolia (Labill.) Gass. also known as Hsiang-ru, belongs to the family of Asteraceae, and is commonly used as herbal tea. It is native to South Asia, Australia, New Caledonia and Penghu islands of Taiwan. In Penghu islands, Hsiang-ru is a perennial medicinal plant in Penghu folk medicine, and is found to resistant to drought, wind and salt. In this study samples of Hsiang-ru were collected from ten populations around Penghu islands so as to analyze their agronomic traits and active components. There were significant differences in leaf's shape, length and width, plant length, number of pedicle, pedicle length, root diameter and total dry weight. Its stems were characterized into fasciculate and procumbent, while its basal leaf types were categorized into oblanceolate, oblanceolate cleft and oblanceolate pinnatified. Significant differences in contents of ferulic acid, luteolin-7-O-glucoside and luteolin were detected among different populations. Long-Men (LM) and Feng-Gui (FG) populations showed the highest contents of ferulic acid and luteolin-7-O-glucoside, while Wang-An (WA) population had significantly higher content of luteolin than others. Total phenolic and flavonoid contents in plants from ten populations have also been analyzed. Plants from FG population had the highest content of both active components, followed by LM population and Bai-Sha (BS) population. The DPPH radical-scavenging activity from plants of FG, LM and BS populations were much higher than that from other populations. As a result, chemical components of DPPH, total phenolic and flavonoid contents, ferulic acid, luteolin-7-Oglucoside and luteolin are significantly different among ten populations. Based on the results of cluster analysis, plants of Hsiang-ru could be classified into four groups according to agronomic traits, or three groups based on active components. The variations were affected by the geo-environmental factors, weather and local soil characteristics. However, the genetic variation among different populations needs to be further studied.

主题分类 生物農學 > 生物農學綜合
生物農學 > 農業
生物農學 > 森林
生物農學 > 畜牧
生物農學 > 漁業