


Teaching Chinese at the Time of Pandemic: The Implementation of Online Courses in a Mandarin Training Center and Some Revelations


林雅惠(Ya-Hui LIN);杜昭玫(Chao-Mei TU)


教學成效 ; 新冠肺炎 ; 線上教學 ; 線上教學評量 ; 線上課程設計 ; Covid-19 ; online language courses ; online course evaluation ; online course design ; online learning outcomes




18卷2期(2021 / 06 / 01)


69 - 98






At the time of Covid-19, Mandarin Training Center (MTC) had to resort to online courses for 3 weeks. What involved in the implementation of online courses on such a large scale, including the planning, pilot teaching, a general online teaching, the survey and the interviews, provided valuable opportunities and data that helped with the implementation and improvement of online courses in the future. The research will provide details about how MTC responded to the call for online courses through an elaborate process of planning, pilot teaching, and implementation. The research conducted a survey and some interviews to examine the MTC Chinese language instructors' evaluation and reflection regarding the online courses. With the results of the survey and interviews, an analysis of the data with regard to the advantages and disadvantages of online courses, its challenges and problems, the causes of the problems, what entails a smooth online instructional session, the ways to do assessments online, and the outcomes of the teaching, will follow. The research will summarize studies on online education, mostly focusing on the explanation of the advantages and disadvantages of online instruction and the students' learning outcomes. A comparison of the references with our analysis according to the data collected in MTC will contribute to a further understanding of the current situation of Chinese language online instruction in Taiwan.

主题分类 人文學 > 語言學
社會科學 > 教育學
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