


Aligning the CEFR Oral Descriptors with the ACTFL Speaking Proficiency Guidelines Based on the TOCFL Speaking Test


廖才儀(Tsai-Yi LIAO);藍珮君(Pei-Jiun LAN);梁綺容(Chi-Jung LIANG);陳柏熹(Po-Hsi CHEN)


ACTFL大綱 ; CEFR ; Exemplar Response法 ; 口語測驗 ; 標準設定 ; the ACTFL Guidelines ; the CEFR ; Exemplar Response method ; speaking test ; standard-setting




19卷2期(2022 / 06 / 01)


1 - 32




本研究主旨為建立歐洲共同語文參考架構(CEFR)與美國外語教學協會能力指標(ACTFL Proficiency Guidelines)這兩大架構之口語指標的對應關係,所採用之華語文口語測驗(TOCFL Speaking test)是以CEFR為基礎;作法為邀集17位專家透過Exemplar Response法標準設定程序,使用該測驗各題型各級分之標準音檔,連結CEFR與ACTFL大綱的各等級口語指標,並提出程序性效度、內部效度做為證據。研究結果顯示,CEFR框架A1程度的華語口語能力介於ACTFL大綱初級高等至中級初等之間;A2位於中級初等與中級中等之間;B1略低於中級高等;B2落在高級初等與高級中等之間;C1介於高級高等至優秀級之間;C2程度高於優秀級。此外,亦發現數項共同特徵可作為未來研究者進行兩個指標對應研究時的參考依據。


This study aims to build an alignment between the Common European Framework of Reference (CEFR) and the ACTFL Proficiency Guidelines, utilizing the TOCFL Speaking test, which is designed based on the CEFR. 17 experts participated in a standard-setting process applying the Exemplar Response method which used the sample soundtracks for each test band and item type. The study provided procedural and internal validity to support the results of the proposed alignment between CEFR and the ACTFL Proficiency Guidelines. The results showed that, in terms of speaking proficiency, CEFR level A1 is equivalent to ACTFL Novice High and Intermediate Low sublevels, while level A2 is equivalent to the Intermediate Low and Intermediate Mid sublevels. CEFR level B1 is lower than the ACTFL Intermediate High sublevel , while level B2 is equivalent to the Advanced Low and Advanced Mid sublevels. CEFR level C1 is equivalent to the ACTFL Advanced High sublevel and Superior level , while C2 is higher than the Superior level. The study revealed some shared characteristics between the CEFR and the ACTFL Guidelines which would be useful to guide further studies.

主题分类 人文學 > 語言學
社會科學 > 教育學
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