


Why Is Xiaotou Small and Dadao Big-Concurrent Discussion on the Pedagogical Value of Lexical Motivation


王衍軍(Yan-Jun WANG);高立國(Li-Guo GAO);齊小俊(Xiao-Jun Qi)


小偷 ; 大盜 ; 文化背景 ; 理據 ; 華語文教學 ; CLS ; cultural background ; dadao ; lexical motivation ; xiaotou




20卷1期(2023 / 03 / 01)


1 - 24






Lexical motivation in CLS(Chinese as a Second Language) teaching can not only help students understand the meaning of words, master the nuance and usage of words, but also stimulate students' interests in learning and their desire for further exploration. The semantic characteristics of tou and dao in different situations, such as scale, number of actors, level of violence, harmfulness and influence, are the reasons why tou is considered "small" and dao is considered "big". We believe that "theft" has its profound social background, mainly referring to "robbery", and has connotations of "resistance". The combination of xiaotou and dadao is not only a semantic combination, but also a reflection of social reality. In terms of semantic categories, da and xiao can be metaphors of scale, time, seniority, social status, psychological emotion, etc. Da and xiao collocate with nouns to form phrases or words. This paper analyzes the motivation of more than 100 words including "big" and "small" in the Chinese Prficiency Grading Standards for International Chinese Language Education. This phenomenon suggests that in teaching, we should analyze the lexical motivation of vocabulary, classify vocabulary in groups according to motivation, and introduce the cultural background, so as to help students understand the content and the theory behind it.

主题分类 人文學 > 語言學
社會科學 > 教育學
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