


GPS Interactive Game Research and Development




陳忠上(Zhong-Shang Chen);何俊達(Chunta-Ta Ho)


GPS ; 體感遊戲 ; iPad ; GPS ; Somatoscnsory Game ; iPad




16&17期(2011 / 10 / 01)


129 - 145




全球定位系統(Global Positioning Systioning, GPS)應用的產品,是近年來快速成長的消費性電子產業之一,產品更迭速度令人目不暇給。從以往專司軍事用途的設備,完全地轉變為行車旅遊甚至生活上的必需品。如此成熟地發展,讓GPS應用推陳出新。但令人困惑的,其定位特質卻未利用於互動遊戲中。而2006年Nintendo Wii次世代主機的推出,緊接著Xbox Kinect體成遊戲的應用,讓現今的遊戲不同於以往的操作,皆以小範圍的肢體互動為遊戲主要訴求,讓玩家更直覺地沈浸虛擬的世界,顛覆過往以手把操作遊戲的習慣。因此本論文以體成遊戲為啟發,應用iPad裝置上的GPS定位技術,讓使用者本身移動為遊戲主要的關鍵,將過往在電腦電視螢幕前以手指操控遊戲的方式,變成在戶外自身主動參與遊戲、沉浸遊戲。研究中採用牧羊活動為測試範例,玩家扮演牧羊犬,利用真實的移動在牧場裡帶領小羊完成任務。遊戲中除了以大範圍的空間互動外,也希望利用角色與羊群等動物接觸的不同行為模式,蘊涵與環境和諧相處的道理。


The application of the global positioning system (GPS) has thrived rapidly in the consumer electronics industry. From military-specific equipment to the travel necessities, the GPS has become a necessity along with its latest innovations. However, it is quite disappointing that the distinctive characteristics of GPS prevalent in multimedia interactive games. The recent re leases of Nintendo Wii in 2006 and Xbox Kinect have elevated the old fashioned game modes into the advanced fashion. The players intuitively immerse themselves into a virtual game world without all that fiddling on the gamepad. Inspired by the somatosensory games, I have come up with an idea of adding with the GPS technology on iPad and inviting players to physically participate in game which involved shepherding It simply animates the player as a sheep dog, making use of real movements for the player to herd sheep within the specific time and place to finish a mission. Via kinetic interaction, the game not only demonstrates an exciting GPS real motion characteristic but also an obliquely meaningful environmental morality lesson aiming to promote the harmony between animals and humans.

主题分类 人文學 > 藝術
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