As the recent rapid development of Internet prevalence, electronic word-of-mouth (EWOM) has great influence on many aspects, such as consumers' purchase intention and attitude. Among all forms of popular word-of-mouth (WOM), open box experience has found to be rich in content and varied forms in writing patterns. Using narrative analysis approach to examine a comprehensive set of open box experience writings of 3C products shown on Mobile01 website, the purpose of the present study was to examine how composed elements were constructed, focusing on story and discourse. Analyses revealed that the plot of open box experience writings have shown the postmodern characteristics of cybertext, and the text of simple unwrapping have gained the most attention in posting and response. Findings also indicate that by using great amount vocabularies and pictures to illustrate simple process of open box, has influenced audiences' time-consuming illusions Besides, time presence is shown in some open box experience writings with backgrounds changed.
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