


Research on Adolescents' Alternatively-wearing in Shimending


黃祺惠(Chi-Hui Huang)


西門町 ; 青少年次文化 ; 另類服飾 ; 審美思考 ; 藝術教育 ; Shimending ; Adolescent Subculture ; Alternatively-wearing ; Aesthetic Thinking ; Art Education




24期(2015 / 04 / 01)


1 - 28






This study aimed to explore the thinking and wearing progression of adolescents with alternatively-wearing in Shimending, to understand their motivation, and to analyze the external factors that effect their alternatively-wearing. Five adolescents in Shimending were chosen as the participants in this research. Qualitative research methods including interview, observation and document analysis were applied in this study. The findings of this study are as follows: 1. Their alternatively-wearing styles include folk style, punk style, cute style, and retro style, Their common aesthetic of clothing were multiple layers and mix style, while the diverse types of theirs were exaggerative, thinny, and funny. 2. They wore alternative clothes to express their body authority, clothing anxiety, and to construct an illusional world, meanwhile, their behaviors were a process of socialization. 3. Different familial background, art educational experience, media and the environment in Shimending were the external factors that influence these adolescents' alternatively-wearing.

主题分类 人文學 > 藝術
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