


Towards the Infinite, and Returning to the Essence of Theatre-The Extension of the Medium of the Theatre Space


張庭翡(Ting-Fei Chang)


麥克魯漢 ; 延伸 ; 劇場空間 ; 觀眾 ; McLuhan ; Marshall ; extension ; theatre space ; audience




24期(2015 / 04 / 01)


67 - 90




麥克魯漢(McLuhan, Marshall)對媒介與訊息闡述中曾提出一種「延伸」(extension)的看法,認為所有媒介訊息都是人的延伸。而當劇場成為演出訊息的傳播媒介時,其訊息對觀眾(the audience)來說,除了幻覺之外,演員與表演亦進一步成為訊息的延伸。本文試圖以媒介理論與劇場空間(theatre space)論述,分析劇場空間(theatre space)的變動與觀眾的關係。在媒介不斷地更新與改變傳播形式的今天,劇場空間的無限擴充與延伸成為必然,但也因為永遠需要考慮與觀眾的交流,而回歸永恆不變的本質。


McLuhan, Marshall has elaborated the perception of "extension" of the media: medium message that is shaped and extended by men. When the theatre becomes the media of the performance art, to the audiences, the message is not only the illusion, but also the extension of the performances of the actors. This paper attempts to use the theory of medium and theatre space, trying to analyze the changes and relations between theatre and audiences. Nowadays, the medium continuously updates and changes the ways of communications, so the unlimited extension of the theatre space is inevitable. However, theatre space always needs to concern the communication of the audiences, it also needs to return to its external essence.

主题分类 人文學 > 藝術
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