


Statistical Anxiety among College and Graduate Students in Counseling-The Roles of Gender, Grade Level, Mathematical Interest, Grades in Statistics, and Statistical Self-Confidence in Relation to Stat




郭國禎(Gwo-Jen Guo);駱芳美(Fang-Mei Law)


大學生 ; 統計焦慮 ; College Student ; Statistical Anxiety




29卷1期(2007 / 05 / 01)


87 - 108




本研究旨在探討學生統計焦慮的程度與其個人性因素(性別及年級)、情境性因素(數學興趣及統計成績)及性情性因素(統計自信心)的關係。共有352名輔導諮商系所的學生參與本研究,其中男生81(23.1%)名,女生269(76.9%)名(兩位學生未註明性別)。本研究以「統計焦慮量表」為研究工具,所蒐集之資料,分別以二因子多變量變異數分析、單因子變異數分析及Pearson積差相關分析進行考驗。結果顯示:(1)男女性學生的統計焦慮現象有顯著的差異。女性學生在統計的生理焦慮反應、心理焦慮反應、統計自信心的缺乏及統計評量的焦慮程度四部分,都比男性學生高。(2)學生統計焦慮的程度會因其統計成績的不同而有顯著的差異。統計成績69 分以下的學生在統計課的生理焦慮、心理焦慮、統計自信心的缺乏以及對統計評量的焦慮程度都顯著的比80分以上的學生來得高;統計成績69分以下的學生在統計課的心理焦慮及對統計評量的焦慮程度都顯著的比70至79分以上的學生來得高。(3)學生統計焦慮的程度會因其數學興趣的不同而有顯著的差異。對數學沒有興趣的學生在統計課的生理焦慮、心理焦慮、統計自信心的缺乏以及對統計評量的焦慮程度都顯著的比對數學興趣普通及有興趣的學生來得高;對數學興趣普通的學生在統計課的生理焦慮、心理焦慮、統計自信心的缺乏以及對統計評量的焦慮程度都顯著比對數學有興趣的學生來得高。(4)學生的統計自信心的缺乏程度與學生在統計課的生理焦慮、心理焦慮、以及對統計評量的焦慮程度都有顯著的正相關。針對以上的研究發現,研究者提出數點建議,供統計教學與研究之參考。


The purpose of this study was to explore the roles of gender, grade level, mathematical interest, grades in statistics, and statistical self-confidence in relation to statistical anxiety among college and graduate students in counseling. Three hundred fifty-two undergraduate and graduate students at a university in central Taiwan voluntarily participated in the study. There were 81 (23.1%) males and 269 (76.9%) females, (two of the participants did not identify their gender), with an average age of 23. This study found that females reported higher levels of statistical anxiety than males among the following factors: cognitive domain, physical reaction, statistics testing anxiety, and lacking statistical self confidence. This study also found that students whose grades in statistics were 69 and under reported higher levels of statistical anxiety than those students whose grades in statistics were 80 and over among the following factors: cognitive domain, physical reaction, statistics testing anxiety, and lacking statistical self confidence. Students whose grades in statistics were between 70 and 79 reported higher levels of statistical anxiety than those students whose grades in statistics were 80 and over among the following factors: cognitive domain and statistics testing anxiety. In addition, this study found that students less interested in mathematics reported higher levels of statistical anxiety than those students with moderate and strong mathematical interest among the following factors: cognitive domain, physical reaction, statistics testing anxiety, and lacking statistical self confidence. Students with moderate mathematical interest reported higher levels of statistical anxiety than those students with strong mathematical interest among the following factors: cognitive domain, physical reaction, statistics testing anxiety, and lacking statistical self confidence. Furthermore, this study found positive correlations among mathematical interest, lacking statistical self-confidence, and grades in statistics. According to the findings from the above study, the researchers propose several suggestions for statistics instruction and possible further research.

主题分类 社會科學 > 心理學
社會科學 > 教育學
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