


Exploring the Relations between Explanatory Style, Life Stress, and Depression in High School Students: From Cognitive Diathesis-Stress Model Perspective




高民凱(Ming-Kai Kao);林清文(Chin-Wen Lin)


中學生 ; 生活壓力 ; 解釋風格 ; 認知特異質-壓力模式 ; 憂鬱 ; cognitive diathesis-stress model ; depression ; explanatory style ; high school student ; life stress




30卷1期(2008 / 05 / 01)


41 - 59




本研究以憂鬱的無望感理論(Abramson, Metalsky & Alloy, 1989)爲基礎,考驗解釋風格的認知特異質-壓力模式應用在中學生這個發展階段的適用性,以及自尊在此模式中扮演的角色。共計抽樣1,326人,經篩檢後得1,064份有效資料。 結果摘要如下: 一、生活壓力對中學生的憂鬱症狀具有顯著的預測力,能解釋22.7%的變異量。 二、在控制了生活壓力的影響之後,負向事件通則性解釋風格對中學生的憂鬱症狀之預測,仍具顯著性,處在同樣生活壓力之下的中學生,當面對負向事件時的解釋越傾向通則性,將有較高的機會產生憂鬱的症狀。 三、中學生的負向事件通則性解釋風格和生活壓力兩者在對憂鬱症狀進行預測時,並無顯著的交互作用存在。 四、中學生的自尊和負向事件通則性解釋風格兩者對憂鬱症狀的預測力,在控制了生活壓力的影響之後,仍具顯著性。但沒有支持中學生的自尊、負向事件通則性解釋風格以及生活壓力三者之間,在對憂鬱症狀進行預測時,有顯著的交互作用存在。 五、中學生解釋風格的認知特異質-壓力模式之特定性假設只得到部分支持。


The purpose of this study is to explore the relations between explanatory style, life stress, and depression in high school students. Based on the hopelessness theory of depression (Abramson, Metalsky, & Alloy, 1989), we test the applicability of the cognitive diathesis-stress model to high school students. Questionnaires were administered to 1,326 high school students, of which 1,064 were valid. All data was analyzed by SPSS, and the main findings of this study were as follows: 1. Life stress was a strong predictor of depressive symptoms, and it could explain the 22.7% variance of depression. 2. Havimg gained control of the influence of life stress, explanatory style was also a strong predictor of depressive symptoms saliently. 3. Explanatory style did not moderate the relationship between life stress and depressive symptoms. 4. With control over the influence of life stress, explanatory style and self-esteem could provide the extra explanation of 22.6% variance of depression. However, a 3-way interaction between life stress, explanatory style, and self-esteem did not gain supported. 5. The specificity hypothesis of cognitive diathesis-stress model was partially supported by the evidence. Discussion and suggestions concerning the future study and the guidance practice for high school students were provided.

主题分类 社會科學 > 心理學
社會科學 > 教育學
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