


Food for the Ancestors and Food for Us: Origins, Transcultural Ingredients and Identity in Balinese Chinese Cuisine in Indonesia




羅素玫(Su-Mei Lo)


飲食 ; 跨文化元素 ; 祖先祭祀 ; 認同 ; 印尼 ; 峇里島華人 ; food ; transcultural elements ; ancestral worship ; identity ; Chinese Balinese ; Indonesia




8卷2期(2012 / 10 / 01)


1 - 42






In this article, I give a preliminary picture of Chinese culinary presentation in Bali. There are several different dialect groups among Balinese Chinese, including Minnan, Cantonese, Hakka and Hainanese, plus recent migrants from Taiwan who have come on business or because of inter-marriage. There seems to be some important indexal foods served as offerings during ancestral worship and the communal feasts in Chinese traditional festivals such as the Chinese New Year (Imlek), the fifteen day of the first month (Cap Go Meh), the Dragon Boat Festival (Bazang), and so on. In Balinese Chinese families I have visited, offerings are still a strong mechanism for the continuity of family identity and memories of their ancestral origins. But there are also elements assimilated from the local culture in the ritual representation for the ancestors. How can we understand this co-existence of trans-cultural elements? I present here a complex story through ethnographic data on the family migration history, local adaptation, inter-marriage, and the practice of the ancestral cult. Finally, I compare the role of the idea of homeland and the notion of identity.

主题分类 人文學 > 人類學及族群研究
社會科學 > 社會學
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