The price of seafood is usually lower in coastal regions because transportation costs are minimal. To meet increasing demand from the market while reducing the sale price, five different methods of seafood processing were used, and all are mentioned in the poetry of the Song Dynasty. These are pickle fermentation (鮓), pickle salting (醬), dry salting (鯗), pickling with spices (糟), and brine salting(漬). In the Song, these common seafood processing techniques not only balanced supply and demand of seasonal foods from different places, but also expanded both the sources of food and the economic scale of interregional trade. From the viewpoint of dietary culture, seafood processing enriched the variety of modern seafoods since seafood processing adds unique flavor to various seafoods. Moreover, for those who traveling or residing in places far from home, receiving a box of processed seafood was regarded as a good antidote for homesickness.