


Constructing "Hakka Food" and Consuming Hakka Culture?


林淑玲(Shu-Ling Lin)


建構 ; 消費 ; 客家美食 ; 客家家常菜 ; 批判 ; construction ; consumption ; Hakka cuisine ; Hakka food ; critical opinions




11卷1期(2015 / 04 / 01)


67 - 121






This article aims to adopt an interpretative and critical view of how "Hakka Cuisine" is constructed in Taiwan. In the process of constructing "Hakka Cuisine" people can take part in the consumption of "Hakka Culture". The original impetus for our research came from the Hakka Affairs Council, which in 2012 commissioned the Hungkuang University of Science and Technology to conduct an authentication process for "Hakka Cuisine". Subsequently in 2013 the Taoyuan and Miaoli county governments commissioned specialist scholars to carry out a survey and publish the names of restaurants offering "Hakka Cuisine". The authentication of "Hakka Cuisine" involved the food’s ingredients, the dishes, the cooks, and restaurant management. After this, obtaining authentication according to those criteria became the standard for Hakka cuisine in Taiwan. Authentication by the county governments, combined with the boundless energies of Hakka restaurants everywhere, has had an invigorating effect. But it is still worth asking: What is "Hakka Cuisine"? and who decides how it is defined? What is the difference between "Hakka Cuisine" and the everyday dishes cooked at home by Hakka families? Will the authentication process for "Hakka Cuisine" lead to the handing down of Hakka culinary traditions, or will it just lead to consumption? If the intention of the authentication process is to assist the process of handing down traditions and skills to the next generation, then should this be left mainly in the hands of restaurants that have been awarded "Hakka Cuisine" authentication? The above questions revolve around actors involved in the production (the restauranteurs), the officials (the central and local governments), the scholars (academic research institutions), and the consumers, and these agents are the main authors of the narrative about Hakka cuisine. The main body of these actors involved in the narrative of Hakka culinary culture reflect a micro view, reflecting the influences of daily life, quite different from top-down view of officials. The aim of this article is to explore these different perspectives, and discuss the future prospects of Hakka culinary culture.

主题分类 人文學 > 人類學及族群研究
社會科學 > 社會學
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