


Arguments on the Authentic Cuisine: Fieldwork on Food Culture and Social Change in Shuanglang, Dali, 2010-2015


王斯(Si Wang)


正宗菜餚 ; 食物生產 ; 飲食生活 ; 遊客 ; 移民 ; 餐飲業 ; authentic cuisine ; food production ; food consumption ; tourists ; immigrants ; foodservice industry




12卷1期(2016 / 04 / 01)


215 - 244






In the field of food culture, authenticity is a concept which people involved in the foodservice and tourism industries often pursue, but understandings of it are usually confused. The present paper is based on fieldwork and cross-cultural comparison in Shuanglang Town in the Dali Bai Autonomous Prefecture of Yunnan. There, against a background of tourism development, urban immigration and food globalization, and based on their patterns of food production and food consumption, I explored the concept of 'authentic cuisine' in people's minds and practice, and paid particular attention to different groups of inhabitants. Food, behavior and ideas are involved in the impact of changes in the natural and cultural environment. I argue that 'authentic cuisine' is essentially an invention of the foodservice professionals, with the object of packaging some traditional cuisine, and objectifying and highlighting its product features and attracting more consumers, and meets the consumers' imagination on exotic food culture. The so-called authentic cuisine is the consequence of different foodways and ideas meeting in a context of food modernization and globalization. Therefore, to benefit a food culture heritage, instead of arguing about the concept of authenticity, two other expressions are ought to be considered, that is 'typical cuisine' in culinary culture and 'traditional foodways' as an intangible cultural heritage. In practice, 'typical cuisine' has to follow the 'principal of market selection', while 'traditional foodways' has to follow the 'principal of the museum'.

主题分类 人文學 > 人類學及族群研究
社會科學 > 社會學
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