


The Wu Yuan-Sheng Family and Changes in Taipei's Sha-cha (Satay) Hot Pot Businesses (1950s-1980s)


曾齡儀(Lin-Yi Tseng)


沙茶 ; 汕頭 ; 沙茶牛肉鍋 ; 吳元勝 ; 臺北火鍋業 ; sha-cha ; Shantou ; sha-cha beef hot pot ; Wu Yuan-Sheng ; hot-pot business in Taipei




12卷1期(2016 / 04 / 01)


53 - 89






"Sha-cha sauce" is a well-known culinary paste that was brought to Taiwan by Chaozhou and Shantou migrants after World War Two. Sha-cha sauce originated in Southeast Asia, where immigrant workers from Guangdong Province’s Chaozhou and Shantou areas brought the culture of satay (沙嗲) to China, transforming satay into sha-cha and combining it with beef recipe. The result was the celebrated sha-cha beef cuisine. After 1945, Chaozhou and Shantou migration to Taiwan introduced sha-cha beef cuisine (e.g., sha-cha beef hot pot) to the island, and as time went by, the cuisine expanded throughout the capital city of Taipei and attracted a growing legion of fans. In the current study, I combine oral interviews with analysis of historical materials to analyze crucial dietary changes in the sha-cha hot pot business in the Taipei area from the early 1950s to the late 1980s. I first discuss the knowledge surrounding the sha-cha hot pot, specifically examining three topics: (1) the production and consumption of sha-cha sauce, (2) the changes in people’s knowledge of beef consumption, and (3) the ingredients of sha-cha hot pots. I then explore the Taipei restaurant known as Yuan Xiang Sha-cha Hot Pot, which belonged to the Shantou immigrant family headed by Wu Yuan-Sheng. I pay particular attention to the restaurant's role in both Taipei’s dietary changes and the rise of Taipei’s hot pot industry, from the postwar period to the 1980s. Readers of this study should come away from it with a strong understanding of gastronomic shifts in the Taipei area's hot pot scene during the first four decades of KMT-led post-1949 Taiwan.

主题分类 人文學 > 人類學及族群研究
社會科學 > 社會學
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