


'Hái-lōo': The Interface between Fishermen and Marine Nature


吳映青(WU Ying-ching)


海路(hái-lōo) ; 臺灣近海漁業 ; 討海技藝 ; 傳統生態知識 ; 資源管理 ; hái-lōo ; Taiwan offshore fisheries ; skill ; ecological knowledge




15卷2期(2019 / 10 / 01)


7 - 53




本文旨在描繪「海路」此一臺灣近海漁民常用之口語詞彙,解析臺灣漁民在日常生活語料中,大量以海路為框架的語用和意涵。本文希望藉由海路的概念化,提供未曾有過討海經歷的田野工作者,得以進一步了解臺灣漁民個人工作實踐和生命史的相關軌跡,進而轉譯臺灣漁民長期與海洋互動累積的經驗與知識,共同描繪臺灣漁民、漁鄉和漁業的當代樣貌。第一部分,簡介1970年代美國海洋人類學(Maritime Anthropology)的興起,以及該學術社群反對「公地悲劇」學說,反思經濟理性人和公共財背後的文化假設。第二部分,說明臺灣海洋漁業發展歷程,以及南方澳漁港的興建背景;接著,論述筆者如何發現「海路」—亦即漁具漁法,對理解漁民言談和工作實踐的重要性。第三部分,引入人類學家關於技藝、傳統生態知識的構框(framing),以及回應海洋人類學對公共財和資源管理的相關討論,以海路為概念工具,初探討海技藝、海洋生態知識、和資源管理等三項議題。


This paper aims to explain the meaning of 'hái-lōo,' a Hokkien term which is used daily by fishermen in Taiwan, and then explore how an understanding of 'hái-lōo' can assist field workers to study fishing communities and marine fisheries. This paper is divided into three parts. First, I introduce the emergence of maritime anthropology in the United States in the 1970s, and suggest using maritime anthropologists' studies, especially critiques of the commons and reflections on resources management, to examine fisheries in the Taiwan context. In the second part, after the introduction of the history of marine fisheries and the harbor at Nanfang'ao, I explain the moment and the experience of learning the meaning of 'hái-lōo' from fishermen. 'Hái-lōo' is not only fishing gear and methods, but also various ways of knowing and interacting with marine nature and animals. Thirdly, by using 'hái-lōo' as a heuristic tool and the basis for anthropological theory, I briefly discuss three topics: fishing as a skill, learning ecological knowledge through fishing, and how fishermen engage in resource management.

主题分类 人文學 > 人類學及族群研究
社會科學 > 社會學
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