


Global Coffee, Local Palate: How Taiwanese Barista Negotiate Good Taste with Local Customers


高子壹(KAO Tzu Yi)


臺灣咖啡文化 ; 第三波咖啡風潮 ; 咖啡師 ; 品味 ; 文化中介者 ; Taiwanese coffee culture ; Third-wave coffee trend ; baristas ; taste ; cultural intermediaries




18卷1期(2022 / 04 / 01)


91 - 145






The research I am conducting sheds light on the transformation of Taiwanese coffee tastes. I investigated how cross-national foods entered the local foodscape and rebuilt the taste boundary, looking at both globalization and localization. Attention has been devoted to cultural intermediaries' critical roles: baristas' labor process bridges global coffee trends and local palates. This article consists of the following two parts: the background part notes that coffee flavours promoted by chain stores in Taiwan were transformed from Japanese-style slow-cooked beans with a bitter taste to American quick-roasted beans with a caramelized flavor. And then it changed further to quick-fried light roasted beans with acidity in the third-wave coffee trend, through the efforts of coffee baristas. The second, social-action part notes how baristas introduce global coffee tastes to consumers. They seize on cultural elements from coffee trends to develop a specific style of taste provided by their coffee shop, and thus develop their niche in the discriminating market. In their consumer service process, baristas negotiate the dynamic boundary of good-taste coffee with consumers, and the boundary is shaped and reshaped through the different types of interaction include promotive, compliant, and rejective. Taiwanese consumers' preferences are rooted in their own sensations, and also challenge Westerners' taste. Therefore, coffee baristas not only "mediate" good coffee but also become craft producers in their buying, roasting, blending labor process. The research brings the sociological concepts of "taste of sense" and "cultural intermediary" back to the academic agenda of research on food and borders. It demonstrates that Taiwanese good-taste coffee transformations are social boundary-making movements embedded in globalization and localization, historical and geographical contexts condensed on workers' and consumers' embodied sensations.

主题分类 人文學 > 人類學及族群研究
社會科學 > 社會學
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