


The Research on Concept Mapping Used in Vocational Electronics Teaching Effectiveness and Assessment-An Example of Bipolar Junction Transistor Modules




鄭博文(Po-Wen Jeng)


高職課程 ; 教學評量 ; 概念構圖 ; Vocational curriculum ; Teaching assessment ; Concept mapping




4卷3期(2012 / 04 / 01)


57 - 79






One of the main teaching goals of vocational education has always been a skill-based orientation. Over half of the teaching methods of vocational focus on the overview concepts and the skill teaching of the mechanical operation and training. However it is even less applied on the guidance of the teaching model of cognitive development. The purpose of this study application is about the concept mapping into specialized subject teaching in Electronic Division for the vocation high schools. The main research project contents are as follows: (a) to explore the learning effects of composition concepts into the vocational electronics bipolar junction transistors (b) To explore the teaching assessment of the concept mapping as a higher vocational e-learning vocational teaching of the bipolar junction transistor. The research participants, 60 Vocational High School students, are divided into two groups respectively by the concept mapping teaching group and traditional teaching of empirical research group. The statistical methods are t-test, ANOVA test and Pearson testing. The research results showed that: (a) There are significantly enhancing effects by the students accepting the concept mapping teaching. (b) The application of concept mapping can be feasible as a teaching evaluation.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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