


Contents and Characteristics of Workplace-Oriented e-portfolio for Students




于第(Ti Yu)


電子化學習歷程檔案 ; 學習歷程檔案 ; 職場導向 ; 企業徵才 ; e-portfolio ; electronic portfolio ; portfolio ; workplace-oriented ; employment seeking




5卷2期(2014 / 04 / 01)


1 - 27






Over the past few years, "e-portfolio" has become a popular topic among different levels of schools in Taiwan. Many colleges and universities have started to encourage students to create their own e-portfolios for seeking jobs. Therefore, this study aim to: (1) understand employers' perceptions on student e-portfolios as a job seeking tool; (2) analyze employers' needs for the contents of student e-portfolios; and (3) explore the characteristics of student e-portfolios for workplace-oriented development. A semi-structured interview survey was used in this study. All ten interviewees were HR managers from different companies and industries. Face-to-face interviews were conducted between December, 2010 and May, 2011. The results of this survey showed that the e-portfolio is perhaps still in its early stage of development, but most HR managers show high interest and positive response on it. Based on the opinions and needs of interviewees, this study concludes that the content of a workplace-oriented e-portfolio need to cover not only resume and autobiography, but also certificates, records of attending workshops and extra-curricular activities, transcripts, reflections, works and projects, records of rewards, self-introduction video, photos, instructors' comments and recommendations, internship experiences, and career aptitude test results, etc. In addition, 14 crucial characteristics for the development of workplace-oriented e-portfolio are analyzed and explored in this study. Finally, this study suggests that faculty members and career service staffs in the university and college should spend time to promote e-portfolio to employers and make most employers believe that e-portfolio can be a hiring tool. And then, employers can better understand students' learning experiences and students can easier contact with employers through e-portfolios. As a result, students can successfully find a suitable job for themselves.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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