Taiwan, due to globalization, the trend of having fewer children, and overexpansion of higher education in recent years, some colleges and university have confronted serious problems, including inadequate recruitment and financial constraints. In 2014, two colleges and universities of technology withdrew without notice. In this study, a census was carried out, with students that had withdrawn from school and had accepted the MOE's placement program as research participants. The current situation of the placement students' school life adjustment is still to be explored. The interview method in qualitative research and the questionnaire survey method in quantitative research were jointly adopted, with hopes of exploring the situation of the placement students' school life adjustment and examining the placement student guidance measures and their specific effectiveness. The results revealed: 1. The placement students' school life adjustment level is above average, academic adjustment being the best, followed by attachment adjustment, peers adjustment, and teacher-student adjustment; "emotional adjustment" has a lower level. In addition, the placement school satisfaction is also above average. The students are most satisfied with the existing school's administrative guidance measures, but their satisfaction towards the outcome of credit transfer is lower. 2.The higher the placement students' school life adjustment, the higher their satisfaction. Finally, based on the research results, discussions were carried out to provide recommendations that serve as a reference for schools, education and administrative competent agencies, and follow-up research.
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