


The Taming Pinwheel of Red Theater-The SWOT Analysis Which Combine Culture Creative Industry and Non-Profit Organization




楊佳真(Jia-Jane Yang);莊旻達(Min-Ta Chuang)


知識分享 ; 文化創意產業 ; 非營利組織 ; 西門紅樓 ; Culture Creative Industry ; Non-Profit Organization ; SWOT Analysis ; Red Theater in Xi Men Ding




7&8期(2007 / 02 / 01)


201 - 238




知識經濟時代的思維也是文化創意產業與非營利組織應具備的能力;新資訊的傳播與溝通技術的出現,使知識獲得的轉換速度和型態,有了本質上的改變;而知識透過與擁有知識者共同合作、溝通才能享有更多的益處。 而非營利組織乃成為有別於政府和市場,以公益為先兼顧效能與效率的『第三部門』,積極地擔負起彌補社會需求和政府供給問落差的角色,有助於真正落實公民社會與社區意識之創發。文化創意產業,則是一種源自於創意或文化累積,透過智慧財產的運用,促進整體生活環境提升的行業,其具有創造財富與就業機會潛力。 因此,本文以文化創意產業結合非營利組織作為核心,透過知識分享,將文化創意產業視為一種「知識」、非營利組織視為「知識的分享者」與「知識的代理者」,並著重探討三個主體間的思辯;更進一步分析文化創意產業與非營利組織的合作與衝突,並經由個案訪談(上標 ***)-西門紅樓的SWOT分析,以更貼近實務面的方式陳述文化創意產業與非營利組織的結合。


Because of getting fermentation of Culture Creative Industry recent years, it becomes an important item of ”Challenging 2008: The Focal Point of National Development”. However, it needs a long time to cumulate and transform citizen aesthetic, art and culture. Exerting strategic management on the combination of Culture Creative Industry and Non-Profit Organization will establish favorable base for culture. This article adopts the theory of Strategic Management, and takes SWOT as an approach to discuss the combination of Culture Creative Industry and Non-Profit Organization. Taking The Foundation of Paperwindmill of Red Theater in Xi Men Ding as a case interview and put emphasis on the Strategic Planning of Red Theater in the future to cohere with the Sustainable management of Culture Creative Industry. This article classifies SWOT into six factors: goods, customer source, operation and management ability, market, location and competitive weapon to discuss the past, nowadays and future of Red Theater in Xi Men Ding.

主题分类 社會科學 > 社會科學綜合
社會科學 > 管理學
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