


A Diachronic Study of Wang Bi's Thinking: The Shift from Sainthood without Affection to Sainthood with Affection




吳冠宏(Kuan-Hung Wu)


王弼 ; 無情 ; 有情 ; 聖人 ; 他者 ; 歷程性 ; Wang Bi ; wuqing ; youqing ; saint ; the Other ; diachrony




5卷1期(2008 / 06 / 01)


145 - 174




學界每以聖人有情說作為王弼思想的最後定調,因此比較不從此論題來考察王弼思想歷程性的轉變,本文將透過關涉王弼思想極為密切的兩位「他者」-「孔子」與「何晏」,作為考察王弼自我主體思想建構的進路。 筆者有意重探〈致荀融書〉,一則發揮「他者-孔子」的中介功能,從王弼對孔子先質疑後肯認的轉折,正視「前王弼」至「後王弼」思想之歷程性的演變;另從「王弼與何晏」的角度切入,強調王弼深受何晏影響又試圖超越何晏的微妙關係,以綰合兩說之對立性與連續性,使何晏聖人無情說在王弼聖人無情至聖人有情的思想發展脈絡上,扮演更為積極的角色。 本文將進一步以自我與他者的視域,來重新檢視王弼學行的衝突,對比於儒道思想之學行一貫,亦可由此一窺魏晉文化之殊趣。


Existing studies tend to interpret Wang Bi's thinking as shengren wuqing youqingshuo (discourse on ”sainthood with or without affection”). Therefore, a diachronic study of his thought is yet to be conducted. This paper will consider two ”Other” figures who have close intellectual affinity with Wang Bi-Confucius and Ho Yen-in order to trace the development of Wang Bi's thinking. By re-examining Zhixuenrongshu, the present author will use a perspective that involves both Wang Bi and Confucius and will lay bare the significance of Confucius as the Other in Wang Bi's thinking, i.e. as serving a mediatory role. One the one hand, this study will discuss Wang Bi's shift from questioning Confucius to reconfirming him, tracing Wang Bi's shift in thinking from sainthood without affection to sainthood with affection. On the other hand, by using a perspective that involves both Ho Yan and Wang Bi, this study will highlight the subtle relationship between their thoughts-Wang Bi, though deeply influenced by Ho Yen, attempted to surpass him. As such, this paper hopes to reveal the link between Ho Yen's shengren wuqingshuo (discourse on sainthood without affection) and Wang Bi's shift to shengren youqingshuo. As such, this study reverses the assumed opposition between the two thinkers and establishes their connection, demonstrating they shed light on each other. Furthermore, this study will reconsider the conflict between Wang Bi's thinking and action in light of Self-Other contrast-a perspective in contrast with Confucianism and Taoism, which emphasize consistency in thought and action. Through an examination of all these complexities, this study hopes to reveal We-Jin's culture in a new light.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
社會科學 > 社會科學綜合
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