


Problems Derived from Wang Longxi's "A Record of Verifying Dao at the Tianquan Bridge"




黃敏浩(Simon Man-Ho Wong)


四無 ; 四有 ; 四句教 ; 王龍溪 ; 天泉證道紀 ; The Four Negatives ; The Four Positives ; The Four Sentences Teaching ; Wang Longxi ; "A Record of Verifying Dao at the Tianquan Bridge"




8卷2期(2011 / 12 / 01)


237 - 270






This essay examines some textual and philosophical problems derived from the text of ”A Record of Verifying Dao at the Tianquan Bridge” of Wang Longxi (1498-1583). The author thinks that although the value of the text as a historical record is not so important as the different versions of the same record found in ”Instructions for Practical Living” and ”Chronological Biography of Wang Yang-ming”, it is still a very significant record. The author disagrees with some scholars and holds that the ”Four Negatives” can be a teaching. He opines that the state of the ”Four Positives” is not a state of full enlightenment is a view that can sustain theoretically. He also discovers that there may be difference between the understandings of Wang Longxi and Chien Dehong (1496-1574) on the ”Four Positives”, and that Wang Yang-ming (1472-1529), Wang Longxi and Chien Debong have different opinions on the ”Four Negatives”, ”Four Positives” and ”Four Sentences Teaching”. Wang Longxi, from the standpoint of the ”Four Negatives”, tries to correct the ”Four Sentences Teaching” with the introduction of the ”Four Negatives” and ”Four Positives”. Chien Dehong, in the state of the ”Four Positives”, admits the ”Four Sentences Teaching” and tends not to emphasize the ”Four Negatives” and Four Positives”. Wang Yang-ming tries to unify the ”Four Negatives” and ”Four Positives” and maintains that the ”Four Sentences Teaching” is suitable for students of high or low quality. Finally, the author gives an explanation of how the ”Four Negatives” and ”Four Positives” can be unified in the ”Four Sentences Teaching”.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
社會科學 > 社會科學綜合
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