Korean Confucian Park Eun-sik (1859-1925), whose view was affected by both Chinese and Japanese Confucian scholars, had reinterpreted Yang-ming Confucianism with his modernization consciousness during the Japanese colonial period in Korea. With reformative will and trans-national open mind, Park Eun-sik had advocated the practical Confucianism and guided Korean national enlightenment and modernization campaigns. As an outstanding Zhu-xi scholar, Park Eun-sik had converted to Yang-ming Confucianism and taken it as the motive and theoretical foundation to get balance among the Confucian legacy, modernization, Korean nationalism and the international relations around East Asia. This article aims at discussing how Park's Yang-ming Confucianism has involved in multiphase thoughtful tensions and attempted to develop the dual-force possibilities between relative factors from three aspects: 1. Essentiality and innovation; 2. Conscience and phronesis; 3. National self-determination and cosmopolitanism. It shall be conclusively shown that the development of Park's Yang-ming Confucianism has reflected the trans-seas complexity of international interactions of modem East Asian Confucianism.
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