


Chu Shun-Shui's National-Moral Integrity and His Overseas Journey




潘朝陽(Chao-Yang Pan)


朱舜水 ; 儒家 ; 南明 ; 華夏與夷狄 ; 日本 ; 東亞 ; 民族主義 ; Chu Shun-shui/Zhu Shunshui ; Coufucian ; Southern Ming Dynasty ; Huaxia and Yidi ; Japan ; East Asia ; Nationalism




9卷1期(2012 / 06 / 01)


79 - 136






One of the central doctrines of Confucianism is national-moral integrity, the Chinese Confucians' version of nationalism as influenced by Confucius' teachings in the Spring and Autumn Annals. Some regard this form of nationalism as a kind of narrow-minded parochialism: a Confucian must be ready for martyrdom when confronting a foreign invasion and, moreover, must regard all foreigners as barbarians. However, that was not the case for Chu Shun-shui, a leading Confucian in the Southern-Ming Dynasty. He emulated Wei-Zi, refused to accept the position offer from Jurchen regime and embarked on his journey overseas. After drifting around East Asia for more than a decade, Chu eventually settled down in Nagasaki and Edo and was held in high esteem by the local scholars and elites; he then began to expect another golden age of Confucianism in Japan.This article shall firstly determine the form of Chu's national-moral integrity. It then traces Chu's journey around the East China Sea, including the major events and his aspirations, illustrated with the aid of maps.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
社會科學 > 社會科學綜合
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